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45 Cards in this Set

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הנרי פאויל

In order to be productive, every person must know his job and specialize in it. The bosses need to have authority, and every worker should only have one boss

Administrative approach

מקס וובר

People need rules, no interpersonal relationships, distribution of work, hierarchy, responsibilities, and ratiinal

Bureaucracy approach


The objective of bosses is the obedience of workers and making money. Workers need simple monotonous jobs. A worker is naturally lazy and his only motivation is money. Treat the worker like a machine, don't overload him by making him be proactive.

(theory x)

מחקרי הותורן

They checked which physiological changes that can be made to change work production (temperature, wage,etc) and regardless of what they did, production went up. What they found out was if the workers felt wanted and cared for was more important

יחסי אנוש (תיאוריה y)

People are so I'll animals and need a community, that's why they work. They seek to be creative and need a level of difficulty that matches their ability. They need need a personal connection to help them better identify with their work and organization


A movie in our heads of what's going to happen in the future. Like a birthday we know has cakes, kids, noise, etc. It's good because it helps us prepare, but bad because if we think badly, it'll affect the outcome

סכמת אישיות

We take the info that we think we know on a person and make an assumption. Problematic because we can make false assumptions


Make assumptions about groups of people

סכמת עצמית

We make assumptions about ourselves and act according to those assumptions. Example: a person doesn't think he'll get a job, therefore he doesn't even show up to the interview.

ייחוס פנימי

A person's behavior is dependent on his values. His behavior is different in every situation according to his character

ייחוס חיצוני

A person's behavior is dependent on situations outside of his control

האמת הצופה המשתתף

We tend to believe that we act the way we do because of things outside our control and others act the way they do because of their character

הטיות לטובת עצמית

Our successes are because of our character, and our failures are because of things outside our control

אפקט ההילה

You let one positive aspect of something influence you to believe that everything is positive

השוואה חברתית

We align our values to those of others

תהליך מלמעלה למטה

We let general values effect that way we react to specific situations. It's essentially stereotyping

אפקט פיגמליון

Let others high expectations of ourselves positively effect our behavior. The golem effect, is where we let people's low opinions of ourselves negatively impact us

ייחוס סיבתי

We attribute people's actions to specific to events that caused them to act that way

למידה הבהביוריסטית

People learning through behavioral trial and error

למידה קוגניטיבית

People learning through thought trial and error. They get to the eureka moment

חיזוק חיובי

A positive stimulus that will make us do a certain act in order to receive it ( you work for in order to receive money)

חיזוק שלילי

A stimulus makes you do a certain act in order to not receive the stimulus. This is a threat not a punishment. (If you don't go to sleep, you can't play videogames)

חסרונות/יתרונו של עונש

A punishment (שלילי):

- doesn't explain what we did wrong

- gives us negative feelings/ fear

- it's temporary

- we don't know what the results will be in comparison to a positive reinforcement


- if it's a fair punishment

- if you explain why the punishment was dealt

- you punish the behavior and not the person

-if the punishment comes close to the act

- if you reward good behavior

סוגי זיכרון לטווח ארוך

אפיזודי- remember events through the experience that you had

סמנטי- remember info based on the scenario it occurred

(First day of university: the date- סמנטי, the event- אפיזודי

The big 5 (measuring personality)

1) מצופניות/מסירות- details how organized someone is as well as responsible and self disciplined

2) מוחצנות- how extroverted a person is

3) נועם הליכות - how agreeable and peaceful a person is

4) יציבות רגשית - how calm and stable a person is

5) פתיחות להתנסויות - how open they are to knew experiences


People with positive attitudes


People with negative attitudes

חוללות עצמית

Self efficiency- the belief that we can succeeding in achieving a certain task

טיפוס A

People who are competitive, disagreeable, and lake patience

טיפוס B

People who are relaxed, and take their time


A questionnaire that is used to measure you're big five personality traits

בעלי מיקוד שליטה פנימי

People who focus on themselves and their characteristics. They learn from their errors to prevent future mistakes

בעלי מיקוד שליטה חיצוני

People who blame outside forces for their situation and failure, they don't take responsibility

תאוריה מסלאו

צריכים פסיכולוגיים-food, water, no pain

ביטחון- not afraid, have a roof over my head

שייכות- being part of a group or family or company

הערכה- you feel valued

הגשמה עצמית- self realization ( different for everyone)

הביקורת על מסלו

This isn't gradual, rather it's all together

אנשים בלחץ

People who have more resources, and are type A are more likely to deal with stress better

תאוריית הצרכים של הרצברג

1) גורמים פנימיים - the more satisfied a person is at the workplace has to do with his sense of achievement, responsibility, growth opportunities, recognition, and meaningfulness at work

2)גורמים חיצוניים ( היגניים) - meant to prevent people from being dissatisfied. Meaning they have good job security, company policies, fringe benefits, status and interpersonal relationships

התאוריית ההוגנת של אדמס

People are motivated by the need to avoid unfairness. Their efforts need to be matched by equal rewards.

Inputs- enthusiasm, haedwork, acceptance, etc

Outputs- salary, recognition, benefits, etc

תאוריית הציפיות של וורוים

People need three things to be motivated

1) ציפיה - people's need to see the more they work the more they make

2) אינסטרומנטליות - the more out put, the bigger the reward

3) ערך- is the reward worth my effort

תאוריית הצבת המטרה של לוק

People need clear goals in order to achieve them, it doesn't matter the difficulty. If the goal is unclear, even if it's easy, they may not do it. Workers will put out the amount of effort the goal takes, if the goal is clear

קבוצת פורמלית

1. קבוצת פיקוד/שליטה- a group that's in charge

2. קבוצת משימה- a group set with a certain task with specialists to help break down the task (e.g an airplane crew)

קבוצת בלתי פטרמלית

1. קבוצת חברתית people who like hanging out together

2. קבוצת עניין a group of people who have the same interests (e.g a book club)

מה גורם לקבוצת לפעול יחד?

1) נורמות - rules of what's okay and what's not okay within a group when accomplishing goals

2) קונפורמיות - when people act according to the norms

מה מניע אנשים להיות קונפורמים

התרצות- people who conform because either they want they want a reward or avoiding punishment

הזדהות - when you identify with the group and it's values

הפנמה - when the group's values become internalized by the person