In 1914, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. This was the start of the first World War. There were other contributing factors to the first World War like nationalism and such, which sent German, Russia, USA, Britain, Italy, Serbia, France,the Ottoman Empire and more into war. This damaged countries, politically, economically and socially.. This economically wrecked countries, like Germany, Britain and France, According to Document 6, Germany spent roughly 39 million dollars and on top of that at the end of the war Germany owed 20,000,000,000 gold marks due to the Treaty of Versailles, according to document 4, in reparations.…
After nearly a century of relative peace in Europe, the outbreak of World War I ignited a global inferno, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Amidst the chaos, the question lingers: was Germany the hand that struck the match? Often called "The Great War," the origins of World War I (WWI) lie in a complex web of alliances, militaristic ambitions, nationalism, and territorial disputes that have fueled tensions across Europe for decades. As these tensions escalated, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914 served as the spark igniting the flame of European rivalries. Initially predicted to be a short conflict, it quickly grew into a four-year-long destructive war between many countries and colonies worldwide…
Depth Study Three: WW1 Essay World War One was a period of struggle for Europe. There were several factors that lead to tensions in Europe which ultimately caused World War 1. The war occurred in 1914 until 1918 and it had many famous and bloody battles, such as The Battle of the Somme. The war killed up to 17 million people and caused 49 million casualties of not just soldiers, but civilians as well.…
WW1 The real cause of World War I was mostly the different alliances and the growth of armaments. The alliance of the triple entente included Britain, France, and Russia. Then for the triple alliance it included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. America ended up coming into the war but came in to help the triple entente.…
Movements of Militarism, Imperialism, Nationalism, and Alliances in European nations created growing tensions which led to the start of World War I, which began in 1914 and ended 1918. There were two alliances that created this grueling conflict, The Allied Powers, consisting of: Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Italy, and the United States, and the Central Powers; consisting of: Germany, The Ottoman Empire, and Austria Hungary. The…
World War I was a significant and greatly corrosive war because it took everything away from the Germans, causing their economy to gradually decline, and eventually leading to the beginning of World War II. The immediate cause of World War I was the assassination of Austria-Hungary's Archduke, Franz Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary believed that the Serbians were the reprehensible group for committing this act because they knew Serbia was angered by the upcoming annexation of territories they believe should be theirs. After the assassination, chaos began to set in as countries allied together and, in a confusing sequence of events, declared war on other countries for their own personal reasons and benefits.…
The war sparked in the Austria-Hungary empire, when the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914. Austria-Hungary ruled over Serbia and Serbia wanted freedom, the way to do that is to assassinate the heir but, that was not such a good idea. Then on July 18, 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, this is the start of World War 1. ("DBQ: What Were the Underlying ...", 2010, p. Doc 1)…
World War I World War I started in the summer of 1914. Most of the war took place in Europe. The war was long and lasted four years. World War I was unlike any previous wars.…
All about Georgia Introduction In the beginning Georgia was found in 1732 & it’s the last of the 13 colonies. In 1732 was when James Oglethorpe became the first person to settle Georgia. Savannah was the first settlement & it is still one of Georgia's main cities today. Civil War…
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the beginning of the Great War because for a long time Bosnia wanted to secede from Austrian Rule to join the independent state of Serbia. Austria would not let them do that so a group of Bosnian Serbs got together and assassinated the heir to the Austro- Hungarian throne. The relationships between Austria and Serbia and Austria and Germany along with Russia and Serbia lead to an even greater conflict and eventually to World War I. Austria and Serbia had a tense relationship because they were trying to suppress the Slavic influence because it was becoming a threat to their multi-ethnic empire. While Serbia and Russia had a close relationship as it was one of the biggest supporters of the Slavic nationalist movements. Because of the deep ties that Austria had with Germany, led Germany to go against the Serbs.…
World War I started in 1890 because Austria and Serbia wanted the same piece of land. Serbia wanted the land because the people of this land spoke their language. The Serbian Nationalist organization called the black hand, which was a secret organization in Serbia that was in charge of terrorist actions, to assassinate the heir of the throne of Austria. This lead to a war between Austria and Serbia. Then the allies joined in causing World War I.…
World War I began in 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated (Silbergeld, 2002). Then Europe began forming alliances based through treaties amongst themselves…
Before World War 1, militarism was highly appreciated in Germany, and surrounding European states; this allowed the European states to create alliances. In addition to military advancements and the rise of terrorist groups in Serbia, tensions were felt all around Europe. The group: Black Hand, also rose due to the fact of the immense tensions. After WW1, and Germany being the falling state they were entitled to pay reparations for all of the damage done to their surroundings. In order for all of the European states to come into terms, they created the Treaty of Versailles, which Germany had no say in.…
Emily Gray Mr. Tester DBQ 18 2 March 2015 Causes of World War One Starting in July 1914, many countries in Europe went to war. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the nephew of Francis Joseph, on June 18, 1914 was what ultimately sparked World War I. Ferdinand was shot by Gavrilo Princip, who was part of the Serbian terrorist group commonly known as the Black Hand. Other factors such as the Alliances, Militarism and arms race, and Nationalism are just a few of the reasons for the widespread outbreak known as World War One.…