Their relevance comes into play when considering who has authority over Mongolian history. Mongolians now share their land with China, which allows for China to have control over their heritage as well. A private company in China has created a theme park, in name of Genghis Khan, on Mongolian land, which has spurred controversy, considering this Chinese company is profiting from the history of the Mongols. This also, results in lost business for the Mongols living their trying to make a living using the history of the Mongol Empire. This issue really struck hard with me as well, because these people are slowly losing their heritage to private corporations trying to make some money. This is an issue that can be seen all throughout the world, rich corporations profiting from the poor’s history. As they say, the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. The Mongolians living there now should receive credit for their history and for their land. History is slowly becoming a way for many companies to just make money. They use people’s names, or their land, or their tradition in attempts to make money. What is happening to Mongolian history is unjust. They deserve to have control over their land. The Mongol empire continues to impact lives today, and their ever-lasting history continues to be
Their relevance comes into play when considering who has authority over Mongolian history. Mongolians now share their land with China, which allows for China to have control over their heritage as well. A private company in China has created a theme park, in name of Genghis Khan, on Mongolian land, which has spurred controversy, considering this Chinese company is profiting from the history of the Mongols. This also, results in lost business for the Mongols living their trying to make a living using the history of the Mongol Empire. This issue really struck hard with me as well, because these people are slowly losing their heritage to private corporations trying to make some money. This is an issue that can be seen all throughout the world, rich corporations profiting from the poor’s history. As they say, the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. The Mongolians living there now should receive credit for their history and for their land. History is slowly becoming a way for many companies to just make money. They use people’s names, or their land, or their tradition in attempts to make money. What is happening to Mongolian history is unjust. They deserve to have control over their land. The Mongol empire continues to impact lives today, and their ever-lasting history continues to be