Changing the Face of Medicine Throughout history African American women have contributed greatly to society. One of the most notable African American woman is Rebecca Lee Crumpler. Ms. Crumpler was the first African American to earn M.D. Ms. Crumpler’s life, contributions, and impact have been significant to African American woman and society. Rebecca Crumpler’s life experiences led her to become an important part of African American history.…
Mary Church Terrell There is a girl that was made to go to New York at age six for a better educational opportunity. This little girl’s name was Mary Church Terrell. Throughout Mary’s life she accomplished many things such as founding the National Association of Colored Women, becoming the first African-American woman ever appointed to a school board, and even placed on a committee to serve as someone to investigate police mistreatment on African Americans.…
Phillis Wheatley was an African woman who was captured and brought to America on a slave ship when she was only seven years old (book, cite). When she arrived in America, Wheatley was sold to the Wheatley’s who were very kind and educated her. She became an amazing writer who had very sound religious views. A few critics argue that Phillis Wheatley should have used her writing achievements for a slave revolt or to help other slaves like Harriet Tubman did (book, cite). Some also argue that Wheatley was very willing to accept her position in society (book, cite).…
Shirley Chisholm was a very important person because she was the first black woman elected to congress. She was born in Brooklyn, New Then, Shirley spoke against established roles for women because she was a strong supporter for women’s rights. Early in her career, she took a stand on the issue of abortion.…
Have you ever faced a life-changing experience in your life that not only impacted you, but also the people around you? Turning points like those can also be very challenging for people. This concept is presented in the memoir Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, the autobiography I Never Had It Made by Jackie Robinson, and the article “The Father of Chinese Aviation” by Rebecca Maksel, which highlights Feng Ru. Melba Pattillo Beals, Jackie Robinson, and Feng Ru all face challenging turning points, and because of their responses and choices, not only changed their own lives but also helped each of their countries improve. Melba Pattillo Beals helped provide equal education for African-Americans all over Arkansas.…
Martha Euphemia Lofton Haynes was born and raised in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, since Euphema was African-American and female, she faced many setbacks and problems through her life like racism, and sexism. Being born during this time period and in Washington D.C, Euphemia was inspired and motivated to follow the career she wanted and to get an education. Despite being discriminated against, Euphemia was encouraged to stand out in the world as an intelligent, wise, and strong woman.…
African-Americans are one of the most underestimated races in the United States. As there are leaders that have guided the country into its success that it is today. Of course, there are a few that had been put on the forefront as to what they have been through and what they have done for the country to change the guidelines of policy in it forever. Although there are many stories of triumph that have been told over for years, there are more leaders that have added and shared in the success also. There are hundreds of African-American authority figures that did not have the opportunity to have their work and accomplishments broadcasted and taught all over the world.…
Angela Davis is undoubtedly one of the most prominent representations of black feminist thought. The UCLA professor joined the movement for women’s rights and Black liberties in the early 1970s according to the documentary on the History Channel simply titled, Angela Davis. The independent thinker vehemently expressed her disdain for anti-feminist policies imposed on American women. Davis grew up in a segregated south with an educated mother, a rarity for women of color. She acquired an appreciation for Communist ideologies after uniting with groups that promoted Black liberation such as the Black Panther Party along with the Student nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).…
In an essay written by Patricia Lipperini called “Privileged to Educate: Katharine Drexel and Catholic Social Teaching-An Embodied Pedagogy”, shows us the value of the journey of Katharine Drexel, as an empowering life in education. It is notable that for many of us, this name cannot be relative to our knowledge. Katharine Drexel was the daughter of an important businessman, recognized for being an important contributor of charities, called Anthony Drexel and his wife Emma was a valuable person in terms of help supporting people with necessities giving charities, too. Katherine father died went she and her sisters were teenagers, they inherited a big sum of millions of dollars. Unlike the majority of teenagers that get rich, Katharine and her sisters dedicated their fortune…
Carter Kane is described as a 14-year-old kid whose home is a suitcase. You are given the vibe that he is not a big fan of how his life is ran. He constantly travels with his father (Dr. Julius Kane) who is a single parent and archeologist. Carter has a sister, Sadie Kane who can only see them twice a year because her grandparents hate their father. Sadie is described as two years younger and apparently not liked by Carter.…
In addition, people need to understand the origins of the African philosophy. Books and movies that highlight the African family before slavery and colonization will show people what inspired African philosophy, and media showing black families and people living by African philosophy themes in the present day will also be educational. Through these, the people can learn about the black family from a perspective that is based on them, not other races and…
In the beginning of second semester I was being introduced into Psychology 101 which I had no idea on what this course will be teaching. As I just know the word “PSY” it would be mentioning about physical or something to do with the body. Then, doing some research about what Psychology will be teaching about from YouTube. Also, reading some articles from this website on what they will be mentioning about what the body will reacts to some situations. In the past months as learning about the basic about Psychology 101 this would be an advantage in taking the next step of becoming a police officer which I could use it to think like a victim and mange an issue or situation into peace that everything could be resolved in a matter of a way.…
Keith E. Stanovich, the author of “How to Think Straight About Psychology,” explains different aspects of psychology to his readers in the first chapter of his book. He starts off by stating how Sigmund Freud is a fraud when it comes to psychology. Although Freud’s work in psychology is so little, he is the reason why many people misunderstand psychology. Then the chapter begins to talk about how psychology is composed of different topics and studies, and when there are many different topics it is difficult to link all of the topics into one. When psychology is often discussed, many people do not consider it a science.…
Very careful in how I raised her. I had to be strict, very strict. Lula Ann needed to learn how to behave, how to keep her head down and not make trouble” (Morrison, 7). Lula Ann, like many other black children, was forced to mature faster than other children, solely because of her skin color. There were several different risks, and expectations to follow as a black child.…
As I prepare to graduate, I need to think of life after Olivet. This can be challenging because there are so many areas that interest me in psychology. One thing I am sure of is I want to go to graduate school. During my time as an undergrad, I have taken courses that will help clarify what my interests are and sharpen my skills in those areas of interests. As of now, there are a few options I am considering pursuing.…