2.Penn considered himself a leader and believed with all his heart that with his influence he could create a new and better environment than what was already established. He knew that in order for Pennsylvania to be successful he would need followers and supporters to help him with this endeavor. If he did not have this Pennsylvania would fail. In the reading Penn stated that he thought the Lords had given him this opportunity for a reason, the reason being to have a home for The Quakers and himself to flourish in. …show more content…
In the reading, the word experiment was given two different meanings. The first was gentle guidelines for how to overthrow a pre-existing condition, person, government or in this case laws of the land. The second idea deals with the words experiment and experience being interchangeable words. I reference to ‘Holy Experiment’ I think that Penn wanted this new place to be one that promoted the person that God wanted him to be. One that is accepting of everyone, and a community that serves