Why Is Huck Finn Inevitable

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The past happened; it is inevitable. Contemporary with the formation of the United States, slavery was both legally and socially accepted in the South. In his book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain implicitly embeds real world problems from within American history such as slavery and other societal characteristics at the time to affect the reader in reflecting a fictional story with reality. The protagonist within the book, Huckleberry Finn, goes on a journey on a raft along the Mississippi River alongside Jim, a runaway slave. The towns along on the Mississippi River that Huck had visited made his noncompliance with society begin to grow as he began to constantly revert back to social isolation with Jim upon the raft due to the …show more content…
While Buck gives his explanation about the feud between the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords to Huck, the utilization of dialogue suggests that senseless violence is inconsequential and meaningless. Huck is asking about how this family feud rose about. Buck explicates "there was trouble 'bout something, and then a lawsuit to settle it; and the suit went agin one of the men, and so he up and shot” (119). As Huck continues asking questions, Huck implicitly indicates that feuds are senseless and often times only caused by an unnecessary cycle of violence and destruction. When Huck asks what this feud was about, Buck insisted “[he] reckon maybe--[he] don’t know” (119). As Huck continued go along with living with the Grangersons, he witnessed their murder after they had gotten ambushed by the Shepherdsons as they were chasing after Sophia Grangerson who had run off to marry Harney Shepherdson. The feud between the Grangersons and the Shepherdsons embodies society’s foolish tendency to instigate contentious behavior and then blindly wonder as to why such tragedy has been committed. In the end, Huck searches for Jim and head back upon the raft down the Mississippi …show more content…
The duke and the king manifest the tenacious avarice within society and people within American society such as the Grangersons used as a depiction of senseless, unnecessary violence and the Phelps displaying the African American as subhumans. These morally-violating characteristics of Americans instilled within the novel by Twain are not meaningless. He has created this genre of moral fiction reflecting upon the reality within American society in which was contemporary with his writing of the book. Many of society’s attributes manifested within the novel continue today. In order to comprehend the gravity of these social injustices, one must realize the events and doctrines instilled within the past. It is imperative that one realizes the violation of human dignity through American

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