Professor Jerry Farber’s article “A Young Person’s Guide to the Grading System” has the intention of persuading college students that the current grading system is not effective by using rhetorical questions to imply its inefficiency, pathos to provoke the reader, and specific diction to help the article resonate with the audience; he even proposes a new grading system. Faber’s solution to the current grading system is to change it entirely, and, in place, have students receive credit or no credit for classes. In this system of grading, receiving a no credit would not have a penalty on the student’s record, but, instead, the records would only have classes where the student earned a credit making this different from the pass-fail grading system.…
College: What it Was, Is, and Should Be by Andrew Delbanco (2012) provides a comprehensive chronological overview of higher education from its origins to the present day. Upon reading the title I assumed the subsequent pages would drag on about the failures of higher education and list a fool proof way of correcting said issues, I am happy to announce I was incorrect. In the book’s six short chapters Delbanco manages to take us back in time and review the origins of higher education in order to better understand where we are today. In the first three chapters Delbanco reviews the evolution of college, which originally stirred from religion, and became the way society groomed young men of age. In 1886 founding president of John’s Hopkins stated that college should always be a place for the development of a student’s character (p.42).…
Students had to realize its importance for their success in life and the only way for this to occur was by accepting and succeeded through the curriculum established by these colleges. However, before they truly understood its importance, Pace makes it clear that, “They attend classes but make no effort to learn anything” (p. 11) Students were more concerned about power and status within society than in academic curriculum that would advance them further in life than ever thought of (p. 11). It was because of this that when introduced to the new curriculum, many could not pass the test and would instead result in failure. “Failure meant that their reputations as men of honor might come into question.”…
A Problem With College There seems to be a problem with college, the quality of education has diminished and tuition costs have grown to new heights. Despite this, many people still choose to get a college education to gain an advantage in their career field. In “A New Course”, Magdalena Kay argues that the reason colleges do not adequately prepare students for their future lies in the curriculum. Teachers take away from content trying to make it relevant and don’t grade students honestly, giving out more As than they deserve.…
We have become too politically correct and emotionally soft to gravitate towards high academic excellence. College has become an experience and a degree not an education. Edmundson’s article denounces this thoroughly even if he doesn’t provide a concrete…
In the essay Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus discuss whether college is worth the price students pay. Throughout the essay Hacker and Dreifus discuss if colleges are giving good value for the investments, what individuals gain from their investment and show what it looks like for an institute to being doing their job well (Hacker and Dreifus, 179). In the essay, Hacker and Dreifus talk about how colleges take on too many roles and none of those roles are executed.…
A Lazy A Suzanne E. Fry writes “Some students feel that success is owed to them; after all, they did not spend thousand of dollars a year not to yield results”(Fry 10). In her article, she brings out her view that relaxing grades or the lower performance needed to achieve good grades, cause the quality of education to suffer and teaches student they don 't need to work hard to succeed are completely valid; it is seen in the way student pick classes today and their time spent studying. Suzanne E. Fry in the article, Grade Inflation argues that the inflation of grades going on in higher education is harmful to all involved. Fry points out that when A’s are easier to achieve students are taught that they don 't need to work hard. She shows that…
Has anyone thought of school and been like “Hmm, professors might give them a better grade if they complain to her about how they feel they did a better job at that assignment?” Or how about, “Wow there is so much free time from studying that they should just all go get drunk?” Says no student ever. But truthfully after reading “Grade Inflation Gone Wild” by Stuart Rojstaczer and “Doesn’t Anyone Get a C Anymore” by Phil Primack that is apparently the mentality that some people involved in school system has adapted, students and professors; which will be discussed in this essay. Whoever heard of grade inflation?…
Former professor of geophysics at Duke University, Stuart Rojstaczer is a notable author and coauthor of many studies, books, and articles in his career. He has a PhD in applied earth and sciences and has also created a website on grade inflation, which he has done much research on. Rojstaczer wrote “Grade Inflation Gone Wild”, an opinion editorial in the Christian Science Monitor, which is particularly focused on grade inflation in the United States. Rojstaczer claims that many people, professors, and administrators turn their backs on the ongoing grade inflation at universities and colleges which must be addressed and fixed. Rojstaczer highlights the impact that grade inflation has on students and their education level but does not give adequate…
The Value of Education: A Liberal Approach Three Reasons College Still Matters, Stand and Deliver, Education’s Hungry Hearts, and Admiral McRaven’s speech at the University of Texas convey the value of education. Three Reasons College Still Matters by Andrew Delbanco discusses the major advantages of college education, particularly economic, political and personal development — the latter of the three being dismissed by college attendees and high school graduates alike. The economic advantage of college education is well known by parents and stressed to children by family and schools. For the many, it is the prime reason to attend college and serves as the first step towards working up the social ladder. In his essay, Delbanco includes the…
College in today’s society is seen as a lifestyle, experience, and a necessity. Millions upon millions of students are crushed by the false reality being spewed off by television on how life will be after high school. Young impressionable minds are brainwashed into believing that college isn’t the path to success, but instead it is luck. These young minds start to believe that they will become rich and famous while avoiding the dues of student loans. This false reality leads these students to view college in a negative light when in fact a college education is what could be setting them apart from their ideal lifestyle.…
We are the books our students read most closely” (Menand 536). Grading is what every college student stresses about the most throughout their four years. A wise way of grading is used at The Evergreen State College where professors evaluate their student, then the student evaluate themselves, and lastly the student evaluate their professors. This system allows the students to really dig deep into their work, where they went right and wrong, as well as how to build up from there. Lastly, majors are what cause so much stress upon students with choosing their school as well as asking the students at just eighteen years old to decide what they want to do for the rest of the lives.…
Across the country, college dreams are being dashed by rising yearly tuition prices. The increase of annual college tuition prices has become such a substantial problem that the percent of students attending college after high school has dropped from 70.1% in 2009 to 65.9% in 2014 (Is College Tuition Really Too High?). (2) Of course, college is a business, and needs money for upkeep, supplies, upgrades, and salaries for the professors. (6) However, the argument pales in comparison to the facts that are present within the declining number of students going on to college yearly, and the consequences of these declining numbers.…
Indeed, the article puts forth numerous examples of colleges that take different and, some would argue, illogical approaches to funding, and students with varying degrees of success. For example, one college that the article analyzes is The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, which uses the normal standard testing procedures, and also throws in a home test that consists of a number of open-ended questions. On top of this, the college is dedicated to tuition-free education. Examples like this show that education does not have to adhere to the formalized structure that students have become adapted to. Indeed, what might be ticket is, in fact, a restructuring of college as it is known today.…
In the passage by Brad Stewart, “A Guaranteed Path To Academic Success” Brad Stewart explains to us the importance of academic success and ways to achieve it. Throughout the passage we are given six rules that will help us thrive through our college career. For example, going to class, doing assignments on time, talking to your professors, reading everything, respecting the teaching and learning environments and using the library and academic support centers and services. Throughout my school career, I have learned the importance of those rules and I have learned that if I put in my dedication and effort I will achieve my goals. All of these rules listed are very important , but the two rules that impacted my success in school were going…