Who Is King David

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David before he was anointed by Samuel as the future king of Israel and start his reign, he was a shepherd boy. He grew up strong and brave, not afraid of the wild beasts which prowled around and tried to carry away his sheep. More than once he fought with lions, and bears, and killed them, when they seized the lambs of his flock. And David, alone all day, practiced throwing stones in a sling, until he could strike exactly the place for which he aimed. When he swung his sling, he knew that the stone would go to the very spot at which he was throwing it. All this helped him to trust in the Lord and later defeat Goliath.
We have to remember that God didn't want to placed a king during that period of time, but because the people wanted so bad Samuel had to anoint Saul according to characteristics and traits that the people was looking to have as king.
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And Saul became very sad of heart. At times a madness would come upon him, and at all times he was very unhappy.
So what made the reign of KIng David be different and ideal to the people was His heart towards the Lord. The bible has written in Acts 13:22 says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.‘ So David was: Humble,Reverent, Respectful, Trusting, Loving, Devoted ,Recognition, Faithful, Obedient and Repentant; even though he had a woman

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