The time period that they are in greatly prevented them from going to their full potential. The men in their time period held them back from making their choices and having their own thoughts. It wasn’t until their breaking point that they were able to break from their theoretical constraints. By the end of each story, the narrator in “The Yellow Wallpaper” and the girl in “Hills Like White Elephants” accepts there is nothing wrong with them and they don’t need a man to tell them what is best for
The time period that they are in greatly prevented them from going to their full potential. The men in their time period held them back from making their choices and having their own thoughts. It wasn’t until their breaking point that they were able to break from their theoretical constraints. By the end of each story, the narrator in “The Yellow Wallpaper” and the girl in “Hills Like White Elephants” accepts there is nothing wrong with them and they don’t need a man to tell them what is best for