Essay On The Importance Of Setting In Hills Like White Elephants

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Setting plays an important role within stories and other literary works. Writers usually choose specific settings to help the reader better understand the main theme in a literary piece. The setting can affect what the characters can and cannot do and can often dictate the outcome of the story. The setting of “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemmingway has symbolic value that is used to suggest something about the characters and the meaning of the stories. Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” is set in the late 1800s in a colonial mansion. During the late 1800s, women were not treated with the upmost respect. During this time period, men were in charge of the household and often dictated what his significant other did. The narrator in the story is diagnosed with an illness by her husband and physician, John (Gilman 542). The narrator is now put to bed rest until she is no longer ill. Her new bedroom is located at the top of the house and it instantly makes her feel negative emotions (Gilman 543). The narrator’s bedroom plays an important role in her recovery process. She is commanded to stay in bed all day; therefore, she has a large amount of time to study the details that surrounds her in the room. She soon starts to resent the yellow wallpaper that is present in the room. She describes the room and wallpaper negatively and begins to see things that are not actually present with her. The narrator’s husband continues to play a role in her slow downfall. She attempts to talk with him throughout the story; however, he sticks with his diagnosis and demands she rests more (Gilman 548). She realizes that John doesn’t have her best interests in mind and decides to fake her recovery. She deceives him into thinking she is happy. The more she stays in the room, the more she starts to hallucinate. She sees figures in the wallpaper that forms into a woman (Gilman 547). According to the narrator, the woman in the wall begins to move and breaks out at night. The narrator stays up to help her escape. At the end of the story, the woman behind the wallpaper escapes and the narrator states to John that “you can’t put me back,” implying that is was her trapped behind the wallpaper the whole time (Gilman 552). Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” was set around the early 1900s at a train station. The time period of the story influences many of the decisions that the girl makes throughout the story. During this time, it was abnormal for women to make the big decisions in a relationship. Men mostly had control of the relationship. In “Hills Like White Elephants,” a girl …show more content…
The time period that they are in greatly prevented them from going to their full potential. The men in their time period held them back from making their choices and having their own thoughts. It wasn’t until their breaking point that they were able to break from their theoretical constraints. By the end of each story, the narrator in “The Yellow Wallpaper” and the girl in “Hills Like White Elephants” accepts there is nothing wrong with them and they don’t need a man to tell them what is best for

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