What Are Lady Macbeth's Pivotal Decisions

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Macbeth’s pivotal decisions throughout the play had a major impact on his life. Without making important choices, the entire play itself wouldn’t of been same. For example, if Macbeth never went through with his plan to kill King Duncan and claim the throne as the King of Scotland, he wouldn’t of ever killed so many innocent people and Lady Macbeth wouldn’t of killed herself. Since Macbeth ordered the killing of Macduff’s entire family, Banquo, and Fleance, Lady Macbeth regrets pushing her husband to make the decision to kill Duncan which caused her to go mad. “What, will these hands ne’er be clean? No more o’ that, my lord, no more o’ that!” (216) Lady Macbeth’s madness shows how Macbeth’s actions have an effect on others and how she feels

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