Violence Exposed In Maggie Nelson's Great To Watch

Superior Essays
On September 11th, 2001, the twin towers were bombed. The media played a huge part in how the attack was portrayed to the country and the rest of the world. The media, in most cases, controls and influences how violence is perceived by society. The media hints that individuals watch violent shows to numb themselves from reality. People also use these violent acts as an excuse to hate or discriminate on a particular race. These ideas of images portraying violence and sadism is illustrated in “Great to Watch”. In Maggie Nelson’s “Great to Watch,” she speaks of “banality and terror”, a paradox that seems to suggest that individuals resort to these violent show as a mean to distract themselves from the mundane daily activities. On the other hand, …show more content…
Violence also helps individuals form an identity unique to them. If someone spends a lot of time watching violent shows that individual can learn violent behaviors. Each author in their essay propose a solution to the cultural violence we see. In her essay, Nelson suggests that everyone become a watcher as a solution, but Nafisi suggest the audience to form a book club. O’Brien proposes his solution and that is to tell narratives. After the attack on the twin tower, the audience can see how the depth of consumerism between banality and terror deepened. People often find connections with other people who share the same common idea or goal as them. Nelson questions this idea. “Do we really live under the aegis of these opposing threats, or is it the very reiteration of them as our two primary ontological options…the vast space between these two poles--” (Nelson 306). Violence stops individuals from spreading positive influences, because the images depicted in violent shows are often negative behaviors. However, individuals do not have to allow violence to consume their life. Some solutions we can take is to ban violent shows from airing. Nonetheless, violence can spread quickly and the truth of how harmful these show can be can set us free from the evil hands of violent

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