Unions In The 19th Century

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Unions have existed throughout United States history, specifically coming into the public view in the mid-nineteenth century. At first, they were viewed as dangerous and anti-American; as the fear of communism attracted panics such as the Red Scare, the thought of equality in the workplace seemed too extreme. When the Great Depression hit, more attention was shown to workers and their effect on the American economy. President Roosevelt called for increased spending to rev up the currency system; to be able to buy and have money spiraling, workers needed money and rights (Kennedy, Cohen, & Bailey, 2001). Unions came into the spotlight, and were being accepted into the economics and politics of American culture. As World War II ended, America emerged a world power; unions were powerful and American leaders moved out of war time business into post-war thinking; a thinking that would focus on production instead of comfort for each worker. The government’s agenda included gaining control over unions, thus the product was a balance between the economic development and stability of the country, and the rights of the workers and unions. The policies and legislation on unions impact their ability to organize in a balance of positive and negative attributes with the intention of supporting both the rights of the employers and of the workers; this is seen explicitly with a cultural, and thus governmental, lean to anti-union theory, then support of unions, and presently back to the non-union view. In the beginning, specifically the nineteenth century, the need for unions, collections of workers formed with the purpose of protecting their rights, was pronounced; employers had money, power, a large supply of labor, and support from the government and politicians, so they could take advantage of the workers. Around the middle of the nineteenth century, unions were not popular; they were seen as unconstitutional and un-American because of their basis of creating equality between the workers and the employers, which contrasted with the American dream of working your way to the top and staying there. At first, the workers could not organize because of their employers’ policies of lockouts, locking the factory door on unions; yellow-dog contracts, contracts that promised not to unionize; and blacklists, lists of workers who wanted to unionize (Kennedy, Cohen, & Bailey, 2001). These hurtles were not made easier with the official enactment of anti-union legislation. The Sherman Anti-trust Act of 1890s’ purpose was to bust up trusts, or monopolies, who interfered with trade, which included unions (Kennedy, Cohen, & Bailey, 2001). Though the act was not very effective in breaking up its’ main target, trusts, it did pauperize many labor unions. Even with the installation of these negative policies, the National Labor Union was formed in 1866; this union won the eight hour work day, thus proving the intentions of unions and shinning a positive light on the group. In 1914, the Clayton Anti-Trust Act laws were passed; included in the act was a clause which stated that unions were not a conspiracy against trade, and therefore could not be demolished under the Sherman Act (Kennedy, Cohen, & …show more content…
He also sites that, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s “budget repair bill”, largely eliminated collective bargaining rights for the state’s 175,000 public employees (Lafer, 2013). The reasoning behind these setbacks in the public eye is due to the idea of rights for the non-union members. Legislation is trying to once again balance out the immunities of the duel sides of union membership; this time though it is leaning too far to the non-union contract. According to Lafer (2013), this trend is due to political party control of government, specifically the Republican Party in 2011, and a new wave of wealthy businessmen who tip the legislative scale in opposition to the union opinion; the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United, which prohibited independent political expenditures from nonprofit corporations and unions. This further unbalanced the likeliness and effectiveness of unions to be able to organize. In times such as these, government legislation and policy could be regarded as having a negative consequence for unions, but considering history and how certain laws were essential building blocks and pathways for organization, in general they endeavor to balance power between pro and non-union

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