Undocumented Health Issues

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Immigration has been a long-standing discussion in American politics since colonial times. America has always been known as the land of freedom and opportunity; however, the words “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” may not ring true anymore. Those who are unable to enter the country through legal means, have resulted to illegal measures, and therefore, have been deemed ineligible from partaking in opportunities allotted to citizens and legal immigrants. The issue of health care for the undocumented, addresses two sensitive and controversial topics, currently plaguing politics; health care reform and immigration reform. Two plausible agreements are faced when addressing this issue: does the United States have a moral obligation under the fourth amendment to provide health care to all those residing on its soil or does the illegal immigration status disbar the undocumented from receiving public benefits. As it currently stands, the latter holds true for current immigration and healthcare policies. But, extending health care coverage to this vulnerable group, will benefit not only the public health, but also the economy. This paper aims to discuss the issue of health care in regards to undocumented immigrants and its effect on, not only the health of these individual’s, but also the public’s health, interest and welfare, as well as provide an outline on how to approach this contentious issue The issue of health care for undocumented immigrants has become more polarized now than it was in the past. Before 1996, undocumented immigrants and legal residents could receive Medicaid coverage, if it was allocated in the States’ budget, but to deter legal immigrants, such as permanent residents, from relying on social services, the Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), (Gilcrist, 2013). This Act allows States to govern the range of benefits that is to be provided to non-citizens in regards to social services, such as health care (Gilcrist, 2013). This Act, also eliminated coverage for all those that were undocumented, except for emergency services and treatment for communicable diseases (Gilcrist, 2013). To many undocumented immigrant’s health care is not a pressing concern. People immigrate to America in pursuit of the American dream of freedom and prosperity. According to Gilcrist (2013), an estimated $35 million people are foreign-born currently living in the United Sates, and out of that, over $10 million are undocumented and are, most likely, not insured. These undocumented individuals work in our food industry and on our agricultural farms, where the susceptibility of transferring disease increases, due to their proximity to food and humans, which can easily be communicable by touching or ingesting the food that they have harvested, cooked and/or served to the consumer. Under Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality …show more content…
Due to the lack of inspection of these individuals entering the United States, diseases that were once considered virtually eradicated, such as, tuberculosis, pertussis, malaria, measles, rubella and rabies are re-emerging along the borders of this country (Gilcrist, 2013). This is a major health concern, because health care providers often under diagnose these conditions, or do not recognize the signs and symptoms of these diseases, due to lack of training, since these diseases are not usually prevalent in this area (Gilcrist, 2013). This factor could allow for a serious outbreak, which poses an alarming threat to the safety of public health, since the undocumented are not granted health care access, unless due to emergency circumstances. According to , undocumented immigrants tend to avoid health care institutions in general due to fear of …show more content…
These services include, but are not limited to, the following: non-emergency Medicaid; Medicare benefits; and market place health insurance plans. Undocumented residents, however, can receive emergency services at hospitals and temporary, emergency Medicaid (if income guidelines are met), as well as, services that are provided by non-emergency health services at community health centers or safety-net hospitals (“Immigrants and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - National Immigration Law Center,” n.d.). Although the ACA has provided insurance to over 17 million previously, uninsured citizens and permanent residents, it has left out one of the most secluded, under served and vulnerable populations: illegal immigrants or undocumented workers (Ortega,

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