The only difference between the way the George spoke about it and the way that Dr. Jackson discussed it is the time table. George believes that leadership begins around the age of 30 and that generativity begins around the age of 60. Dr. Jackson, on the other hand, said that the process is constantly repeating. Personally, I feel like Dr. Jackson is more correct. I have noticed this cycle of leadership in my time at Baylor. I did not take on a leadership position until my junior year. Now that I am completing my third semester of senior year, I have given up all of my leadership positions, to let others start to take over.
The quintessential element in getting through your crucible moment is knowing your true north. Your true north is defined by your true self. While knowing your true self may sound simple George believes that this is a very difficult thing. Dr. Jackson said something very similar when discussing leading yourself. George suggests that it is pertinent to understand your authentic self .
I also agree with this point. In fact, the first point of my leadership credo is knowing yourself. Granted, my main point was not entirely in line with the point of George. I was arguing that the importance of knowing yourself is being aware of your limitations so that you can surround yourself with complementary …show more content…
The leadership credo represents a list of leadership principles that will guide one on his or her leadership journey. In my leadership credo, I presented my leadership principles as caring for others, being honest, and being hopeful. These principles can be used to guide me in my leadership journey so that I have a more solid and consistent view of leadership in my own life.
Another point made by George is the importance of the relationships of a leader. Good relationships act as the base of the compass pointing to your true north. There are a variety of important relationships in the life of a leader. These relationships range from friends to family to mentors. These are not fair weather friends; these are people who are consistently there to tell you difficult truths or celebrate good times. These are people that you can rely on.
In my own life, I have found this group of people. I have a group that I have met with every week for the past three years to discuss our lives and walks with God. This has not been an easy task to accomplish and some weeks it has meant putting other important things on hold in order to get it done, but we have found that this time to be incredibly beneficial to each of