In other words, chronic is ongoing, traumatic is painful or devastating, and encephalopathy, is a disease where the functioning of the brain is affected by a condition. Symptomatic and asymptomatic concussive hits to the head may occur. Athletes are the people who are more at risk, boxers are the type of athletes who most commonly attain the disease. Symptoms may include memory loss, confusion, personality changes, erratic behavior, attention problems, and difficulty with balance and motor skills. These symptoms will eventually lead to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is a constant loss of memory that occurs in the middle or old age. Parkinson’s disease is located in the nervous system which causes constant shaking in the muscles, and slow inaccurate movement. Huntington’s disease is a hereditary disease caused by the degeneration of the brain cells. Dementia is a disorder in the brain that causes memory loss, personality changes, and impaired reasoning. Athletes attain these diseases at a higher risk than the average people due to being more likely to get constant head trauma and …show more content…
Some care, some may not. For example, football helmet padding is not the safest when trying to protect the head from hits. Football players tend to never be aware of any information about gear, nor think about it when they first join. N.F.L. recently put $100 million to invest in brain trauma research. Many of the sports world have come to realize that a change needs to occur to prevent players from serious head traumas. If they were to invest in better gear, the amount of concussions seasonly would decrease dramatically. The sports world needs to make a change regarding athletes all around the world and provide them with safer equipment, therefore athletes could continue to play their sport, and feel safe while doing so. There is no need to change the rules because athletes are aware how the game is played, yet it is their choice whether or not they want to play safe. If changes were to be made, including safer gear and more knowledge taught to athletes about many of the risks about a contact sport they may be involved in, the sports world would not be losing athletes from being diagnosed with concussion and life threatening