Firstly, at the beginning, Lear created a sick love contest, where his daughters had to express their love for their father in front of the whole kingdom. The daughter that gave the best speech would get the biggest part of the kingdom. Lear announced the contest in this way:”…..”. Goneril and Regan talked how the love their father more than freedom, eyes itself, etc. However, Cordelia didn’t give a fancy speech. She was …show more content…
Cordelia became the queen of France after Lear disowned her, but she left some spies in the kingdom, so they could report what was really happening there. As soon as she found out what were her sisters doing to Lear, she came to England with a small army to retrieve her father. Finally, they had reunited. When Lear saw her, he said: “……………………..” He admitted that he was a fool and that he was not completely sane. Cordelia forgave him because of her unconditional love towards Lear. Sadly, the new Lear didn’t last long. After they had been captured by Edmund, they were going to be thrown in jail. Lear’s reaction to this was: “……………………………….” Lear was blissful and excited. He wanted to keep Cordelia all to himself. This had shown how selfish Lear was. He didn’t care about Cordelia’ feeling and the responsibilities she had as a queen. It was just important that his needs were satisfied. Soon after, Edmund ordered the Captain to hang them. He killed Cordelia, and then he was murdered by Lear. Holding her in his arms, Lear took her outside of the jail and he said: “…………………..” Even though Lear was to blame the most for Cordelia’s death, he still blamed others for her death because he didn’t want to face the truth that he was a terrible father to all three of his daughters. In the end, Lear died along with his