End This Depression Now Summary

Superior Essays
The Answer to the United States’ Toughest Obstacle The Great Depression was a major turning point in United States history. The United States went into a major economic slump in 2008, leaving many people without jobs. Paul Krugman writes about the state of the economy after the depression and how to rebound from it in his book, End This Depression Now! In this book, Krugman talks about the result of the economy following the Great Depression. Krugman provides key suggestions and examples of what can help recover the economy and what will actually hinder the economy more. He mentions how unemployment needs to be addressed in order to recover the economy. He also talks about how cutting debt is necessary, but it should be done when the economy is stable and not struggling at the time. He also mentions that there should be an end to austerity and that the growth of government spending will help the economy recover. Krugman believes the United States should not be suffering and his solutions are what could make the country prosper once again. First off, Krugman mentions how the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernake, has an optimistic outlook for the struggling economy after the depression. The United States is slowly recovering, but job drought and unemployment are thwarting the economy from prospering. Krugman writes, “Every day some businesses fail, taking jobs with them, while others grow and need more staff; workers quit or are fired for idiosyncratic reasons, and their former employers take on replacements” (Krugman 8). More and more people are losing jobs in the economy due to failing businesses. Krugman believes that the solution to fixing the economy is to not focus on a “long term” solution. Instead, he believes the solution to fixing the struggling economy is to find short term solutions that change the current United States economic model. In addition, Krugman mentions that the economic slump does not have to be happening and can be avoidable. He points out that it is happening due to poor organization and not due to businesses not producing well enough. Krugman believes that demand controls the economy and that there is not enough demand in the current economy, which is why businesses cannot produce at full strength. With unemployment rising, that lowers the demand in the economy because people have less money to spend on products because they are not making money. If more jobs are created, then that would mean that more people would have income and more people would spend their income on products. Krugman also points out that the low demand is not due to unskilled workers. He writes, “More broadly, if the problem is that many workers have the wrong skills, or are in the wrong place, those workers with the right skills in the right place should be doing well. They should be experiencing full employment and rising wages. So where are these people?” (Krugman 37). The low demand in the economy is not correlated with unskilled workers because there are many workers with skills that do not have a job because businesses just cannot afford to pay them. The problem is that the Federal Reserve cannot force consumers to spend money on products to boost business productivity. Consumers have to purchase these products on their own will. Furthermore, Krugman explores …show more content…
With multiple currencies, he believes they are more able to endure a recession. He writes, “But there are also significant advantages to having your own currency, of which the best understood is the way that devaluation – reducing the value of your currency in terms of other currencies – can sometimes ease the process of adjusting to an economic shock” (Krugman 169). By having multiple currencies, it gives flexibility to the economy. Under one currency, values are set at a higher cost of living. However, under multiple currencies, the rise and fall of wages allows countries to match their income with their goods that are being produced, helping them avoid debt. The idea of having multiple currencies can be a good idea to avoid recessions, but it has its disadvantages. For instance, troubled countries in Europe, like Spain, would have to have to deal with high unemployment until wages of workers fall to match the demand in the

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