Tort Law Case Study

Decent Essays
From Sweethearts to Sour Tarts, Millionaire Matchmaker Sued
The dating scene has changed dramatically over the course of a few years. With more people having access to the internet, online dating is no longer something the desperate or insecure; everybody is dating online. As more people date online, the need to weed out the bad apples from those people who are truly looking for love becomes obvious. When it comes to people who have money, they pay elite matchmakers to weed out the individuals who may not be compatible with them.
Hammond Meredith’s vs. Elite Matchmaker Kailen Rosenberg
In 2012, a wealthy, love-driven Hammond Meredith, hired elite matchmaker Kailen Rosenberg to help him find love. Over the course of a few years, Meredith spent
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The new strategy involved Meredith investing in a business called the “The Lodge.” The lawsuit claims that Rosenberg insisted that an investment in the club will help him find the love he has so desperately sought since 2012. After investing $50,000, Meredith still had not found love. In fact, the lawsuit claims that the business venture was not as Rosenberg described at all; it did not have millions from investors, and the business plan was non-existent.
Understanding Tort Law in Florida
Tort laws is a complex law. It is a common law that essentially covers civil wrongs, much like what Meredith is claiming in his case against Rosenberg. In this case, Meredith could recover compensatory damages if he is found be harmed by the business practices of Rosenberg.
When it comes to civil cases like the one Meredith is currently involved in, as the plaintiff, Meredith is responsible for proving his case. He is responsible for demonstrating that he paid the money to her based on her expert recommendation. As a result of believing in her, he was injured. Ultimately, Meredith has the burden of

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