Intrapersonal forgiveness allows forgiveness without ever having to communicate with the other person. This forgiveness is about self, not the other person who did the harm. Cornish et al. suggests responsibility, remorse, restoration, and renewal is the four component therapeutic model to self forgiveness. First the individual accepts responsibility for what has occurred, limiting blame on others. Then, feelings of guilt or shame occur from remorse about the reprehensible action. Afterwards, an action plan is put in place to try and make amends. In the end, self grows morally. Self forgiveness relates with intrapersonal forgiveness because it involves self. For example, a father stays out on the weekends while neglecting his wife. However, …show more content…
However, there is a problem with how individuals perceive or interpret the phrase forgive and forget. This phrase is misconstrued on various levels. Forgiveness is not the same as forgetting a situation that occurred in the life of an individual. Forgiving does not mean forgetting, unless one acquires permanent memory loss, which would be terrible, by the way. Hocker et al. (2013) suggests memory is absolutely essential in the phrase forgive and forget. One can never forget something but the wounds can be healed if the issue does not repeat itself. It may get to the point that it occurred so many years ago, it never resurfaces. By refusing to forgive, there is a decision to hold on to the anger and bitterness that actions have created. The problem with forgiving is that in some cases, the issue does repeat itself due to selfish reasons resulting in an ineffective apology. For example, a woman who was abused left the shelter to go back to her abusive husband. Days later, the husband jumps on the wife. The decision is left up to the individual who wants to forgive but forgetting may be out of the