Atwood’s use of figurative language, flashbacks, and repeated language to juxtapose the infantilisation of women with the domineering nature of their oppressors illustrates Gilead’s roots in the past. Prior to Gilead’s inception, figurative language is often used to portray the infantilisation of women, depicting them as “like [children]” and “small as a doll” (p. 34 & 191). This foreshadows the …show more content…
36 & 63). Atwood’s use of figurative language in this way accentuates the infantilisation of women in the past and present, illustrating the origin of Gilead’s oppression of women. Juxtaposing this is the dominant role of their oppressors, which is developed in the past and present through foreshadowing and language. Flashbacks are used to depict Luke as a patronising paternal figure, citing that “studies have been done” as justification for restricting the role of his wife (p. 73). This characterisation of Luke foreshadows the controlling nature of the Aunts, who restrict the handmaid’s role through their message of “modesty is invisibility” (p. 38). This connection between Luke and the Aunts is emphasised through repeated language, as Aunt Lydia also states that “studies have been