Another event that …show more content…
When they were permitted leisure from running the household, these women would write to friends in neighboring states, husbands away for business, and family concerned for their wellbeing. Unlike the letters exchanged during the late 18th century, Abigail Adams’s letters to her husband were unbashful and full of witty banter. A series of letters deriving from March 1776 to May 1776 reveal a wife-husband relationship like no other. The first letter is from Abigail that dates back to March 3, 1776 and contains an unexpected introductory line: “I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.” By analyzing Abigail’s bold opening remark, one can assess the level of respect that she has for her husband and vice versa. The letter then continues with Abigail reminding her husband how women are systematically mistreated by men and that rather than make them submissive in this new order, she suggest that they shall be granted a voice. In response, John Adams sends a letter on April 14, 1776 that can be described as humorous and playful. He proceeds to inform her of all the social imbalance as a result of the revolution and concedes that he did not expect women to join the trend of rebelliousness. Adams then calls …show more content…
and Mrs. Adams’s letters, written correspondence fosters close relationships that is protected from public scrutiny. Which is the case for Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, otherwise known as the women who lead the rise for women’s rights activism during the 19th century. Stanton held possessed social and civic intelligence that was influenced by her father’s profession as lawyer. When she was young, Stanton admired her cousin Garret Smith an abolitionist and eventually followed her footsteps in adulthood where she attended variety of antislavery conventions and campaigned for women’s economic rights on a legislative level. Nonetheless, Stanton sought for a dramatic change in her life and her prayers were answered in 1851, when she met fellow activist Susan B. Anthony. The two became inseparable as they campaigned for women’s rights and confided in each other with private matters. The textbook, Through Women 's Eyes: An American History with Documents, provides salient glimpse on the relationship of Stanton and Anthony through their letter correspondence, as well their involvement in politics. The first letter dates in 1881 and is from Stanton to Anthony as she recalls their meeting by describing her good friend as “the perfection of neatness and sobriety.” Stanton then praises Anthony for intellectually challenging and encouraging her in activism, despite Stanton’s additional responsibilities as a mother hindering her form