The Role Of Drug Abuse In The United States

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Drug addiction and the war on drugs has dominated American politician’s platforms for decades. Trends in the illegal sell and production of drugs have changed over time, however the initial problem remains constant. Law makers attempt to corral those who seek to promote the illicit and illegal use of drugs yet still cannot contain the issue as a whole. Research into this subject will be presented to review the extent of the problem, solutions that have worked in the past, and prevention programs that are instituted to inhibit the issue from gaining more of America’s population. In 1969, President Nixon addressed congress with the message that drug abuse had become a major threat to America (Timeline: America's war on drugs, 2007). Though America …show more content…
As a result of this oversight many of those convicted on drug charges were being forced to remain in prison causing a new problem that America would have to face. Prison were becoming overpopulated with low-level drug offenders and lawmakers had to find a way to solve the problem. The new efforts addressed the mandatory minimum sentences of drug offences releasing many inmates before they were ever offered an option of treatment. These now free men and women were to go out and face life but were weighted down with the fact they were now felons which hindered their ability to obtain employment and provide for their families. These newly released criminals often times ended up rearrested on various charges. Another attempt to readdress the issue of incarcerating so many low-level criminals with drug offense charges was to offer suspended sentences that would monitor the recovery attempts of these citizens to regain control over their lives. This form of sentencing permitted drug offenders the access to community programs that could help in times of need and guide them through life without incarceration. Finally America was acknowledging some of the earliest research into the study of drug use and …show more content…
Given the concern and the demands of the nation law makers set out to protect the innocent by incarcerating the guilty. However, those in charge of enforcing the laws were not adequately held accountable. Law enforcers did what they needed to do to make it in their fields and at times that would include unlawful arrest or even participating in criminal behavior themselves. Police corruption and even political corruption has always been a part of America. In 1982 Pablo Escobar was permitted by elected officials to transport drugs through open waters to American shores protected by covers provided by the Panamanian leader (Timeline: America's war on drugs, 2007). At this time law makers could have addressed serious issues of internal corruption as a whole by reviewing protection provided to those unlawfully being persecuted and stricter accountability procedures for the internal corruption, this however only occurred as the case

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