Rise In Drug Abuse

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Which method is the best way to stop the rise in drug abuse? “Between 1998 and 2003, the number of patients diagnosed with a mental health/ substance abuse disorder in community health centers increased from 210,000 to 800,000”. This was just one of the astonishing facts that Benjamin Druss wrote in the article Trends in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services at the Nation 's Community Health Centers. I think society as a whole needs to recognize why the rise in drug abuse is touching everyone’s lives. This massive epidemic is affecting mothers, fathers, children, etc because we are falling prey to it and it is changing are society without second thought. What our community does today affects us tomorrow. I proclaim that the best …show more content…
Drugs are becoming cheaper and more people are taking the intuitive to just say screw and give up hope on having a better life. In the article Research Reveals Decline in Illicit Drug Abuse; Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise there were a lot of strong points that stuck out to me. The sentence that stuck out to me that largest was “Research presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY 2012 annual meeting showed while there has been an encouraging decline in illicit drug abuse across most major metropolitan areas in recent years, prescription drug abuse is climbing”. Now a days prescription drugs are much easier to get your hands on. I personally think that doctors are not fully examining patients and checking to see if they really need to be prescribed these drugs. Lets face it, its pretty easy to go in to a doctor office and say that you have back pain, knee pain, etc and get prescribed pain medications that you don’t really need. People can turn around and sell those pharmaceuticals so easy and make a quick dollar. Better yet, they can abuse those drugs that have been prescribed to them and become easily addicted legally. Why not put them on holistic medication instead of pharmaceuticals? Its because some …show more content…
People these days aren’t starting with weed when they come to their peer pressure stages. They are going straight into pills, heroin, and meth. Why? Because any of those drugs are cheaper than buying marijuana. If we as people decided to ignore these drug problems then we are left with more crime, more death, and ultimately nothing. We need to show people that there is light at the end of tunnel when facing their addiction problems. To many beautiful life’s are being lost to drugs. People are dropping like flies. Everyday I hear about someone else passing. Its sad that people are giving up hope at such a young age. What we do today affects us tomorrow. Every action has a consequence and we can prevent these consequences. The rise in drug abuse affects me enormously because I have also faced my own battles with drugs. I have been sober for a year or so. I used to think there was no hope for me. All I wanted to due was party and numb all my negative feelings from my childhood. I took a downward spiral last May when my 19 year old sister passed. I lost it for a few months and just did what I could to numb the pain. She was my best friend, my other half. We were inseparable. She passed two weeks after her nineteenth birthday due to a heroine overdose mixed with her prescriptions. She was the most beautiful person and had the most amazing love for life. Even in her sickest days she was

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