In the early 1900s, children in rural areas worked on their family’s farm. City children worked in mines, in factories, selling newspapers, and shining shoes (Library of Congress). The twentieth century brought changes in education. By 1920, all the states required students aged 8 to 14 to attend school (Library of Congress). After school children would do their chores and homework and then go out to play. Before television and radios, kids would play with their toys, play ball, or read a good book.
Ever since the time of Adam, men have been the laborers and the providers in the family. Men were responsible for caring for their family. Entering the twentieth century, the majority of Americans lived in rural areas (on farms). As the decade progressed families moved away from farm life and moved to urban living (Library of Congress). Men worked as business men. Men found jobs in construction, road-work, and even in the industrial and …show more content…
Once married, a woman would quit her job and become a housewife. She would cook, clean, and tend to the children. This changed in 1940 when the War hit. Men left their jobs to fight in the War, and the government encouraged women to enter the workforce (Sherman 2007). By 1943, six million women had entered the work force, and nearly half of them were working in defense plants (Sherman 2007). The war brought many struggles, but the nation held together through faith. In the 1950s the men came back from the war and the women went back to being housewives. Things went back to normal for a