World War I started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, on June 28, 1914, the successor to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His assassination led to a series of events and by July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia with German support. China’s reaction drew all European powers into the war. The war, to many people, came out of the nothing at a time when everything seemed to be peaceful and prosperous for Europeans. World War I was an event that changed the world dramatically. The United States entered the War in April 6, 1917, despite its commitment to stay neutral. In the United States, the war reshaped the American life economically, political and socially.
The economy of the United States greatly improved …show more content…
One of the first major laws introduced by the Wilson administration was the Selective Service Act. It established the military draft for the war. Previous wars had relied on volunteers, but this time the volunteer rates were extremely low. Approximately 10 million men register for the draft on June 5, 1917. By the end of the war, the number was at approximately 24 million. In 1917, President Wilson also established the War Industries Board, a federal agency that reorganized industry for maximum efficiency and productivity during World War I. During the war, businesses and the Federal government worked very close together. Some institutions formed during this time were the Federal Reserve Board, income tax system, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Farm Bureau. Perhaps the two most significant political changes during the war were the Espionage Act and its amendment, “the Sedation Act”. The Espionage Act was very vague. It prohibited obstructing the Nations war efforts and was used to crush dissent and criticism during the war. The Sedition Act was an amendment to the Espionage Act that restricted criticism of Americas involvement in the war or its government. In 1917, President Wilson pressed Congress to grant women’s suffrage, stating that it is as “vital to the winning of the