Evolution Of Primates

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Our physiology has been compared with those of modern day primates, due to our similar characteristics, which have all been linked to our ancestors. Hands of humans and primates are prehensile, “which means they can grasp objects and we share the ability to brachiate from “branch to branch contain a “reduced sense of smell,” and a “wide range of tooth types [suggesting] an adaptation to a generalist diet” (MacDonald, 2003, p. 325). All of characteristics suggest that our ancestors were arboreal, and we continue to show our ability to climb trees fairly well, however the main feature that has distinguished humans from modern primates has been our ability to walk on both legs, maintaining a sense of natural balance, of which primates lack. Ramapithecines had a center of gravity, which allowed them to walk on both legs, as we do now. “Of all the modern primates, humans are the only species that is truly bipedal” (MacDonald, 2003, p.330). Besides our physical forms, our ability to use and control fire has favored our human ancestors and modern human species for centuries, allowing us to maintain our nutrition and cultivation of crops. Throughout the Miocene, Glacial, and Interglacial periods, there has been a change in climate and a loss of vegetation. Due to cooler and drier climates beginning during the Late Miocene era, forests declined and more savannas sprouted. There has been a “linkage between global cooling and drying, increased climate variability, expansion of Africa savanna, and hominid evolution” (MacDonald, 2003, p.334). The loss of vegetation created a challenge for current arboreal populations, many became extinct, and few, such as the “Ramapithecines were able to adapt to the new environment through evolution” (MacDonald, 2003, p.331). The Ramapithecines lived in areas near woods and grasses, keeping sheltered and safe from dry climates and predators (large cats), while hunting foraging for food in the grasslands. During early Pleistocene era, fossils from early hominids suggested that there was more movement and life around open areas, which allowed them to survive within savannas and abandon arboreal life altogether. Species, such as the Homo erectus, ate meat, obtained higher levels of communication skills and adaptations, such as wide nasal openings, suggesting one of the adaptations needed to conserve body moisture while living a life among the hot, dry, open savanna. Bipedalism allowed human ancestors to emerge as a species able to fend for themselves. …show more content…
Open ground and savannas provide faster movement over longer distances, which contributed to explain the evolution from quadruple movement to bipedal movement. Bipedalism allowed Homo sapiens to become faster, obtain wider food sources, forage, and escape climatic conditions, and create better tools and technology for survival. These advanced qualities allowed greater resource competition against coexisting species, such as the Neanderthals, outliving them in the process. The act of energy conservation in the human body can be attributed to bipedalism, because “more ground can be crossed with less energy, and this would be important in moving between widely scattered patches of trees” (MacDonald, 2003, p. 331). Our everyday stance allows us to do a variety of actions such as picking up objects, running long distances, carry food and children from place to place, and maintain balance across various terrains and platforms. With our ability of curling our hands and feet, we are able to create objects, such as tools, in practice of defense, as our ancestors have done before us to fend for themselves against wildlife and other tribes. “Once hominids came to depend on and develop tools, evolution would favor dexterity of the hands and increasing mental capability required to devise, construct, and apply tools” (MacDonald, 2003, p. 332). Due to physical and mental evolution, we are now able to analyze and project abstract and scientific thought, creating massive weapons and complex figures for the defense of, not only our individual selves, but nations world-wide, which goes hand in hand with the complex arrival of infrastructures within societies. Bipedalism attributed to the conception of modern day societies. As humans foraged and hunted, they soon came across fire, which led to cooking and a change in nourishment. Fire allowed tribes to change the way they ate what they hunted, it also helped establish the first methods of agriculture, or horticulture, using techniques like slashing and burning to cultivate land and yield

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