In their struggle for survival these creatures found saving advantages in a new way of walking.instead of scampering on all fours, as usual, they stood upright and gradually and no doubt unsteadily at first, began to walk on their hind limbs.Small bipedal steps for apes, and as it would turn out, a giant leap for mankind. Walking upright required profound changes in the anatomy manly in the limbs and pelvis, and these were passed on to modern humans.It eventually put limits on the size of infants at birth and thus created the need for longer nurturing with sweep cutural consequences.It may have a bearing on human sexuality and …show more content…
In any event according to the primates responds to the environment venturing more and more looking for food perhaps, but retreating to nearby trees trying to escape predators and sleep at night. Their success presumably improve their chances in surviving and passing genes on favoring this unusual stance.Most animals live in savanna let their body temperature rise during the day without wasting water by sweating,they have built in ways of protecting the brain from overheating,the only way they can protect the brains is by keeping the whole body