Research Methodology
I chose policing as my research topic since this is an industry that my job is closely related to and I used the Hoover database to perform an industry analysis. I found that the Police industry falls under that industry category of US Municipal Governments. According the Hoover database “municipal governments provide services to residents, formulate and enforce local laws, make infrastructure capital improvements, …show more content…
Predictive policing is becoming a hot trend in law enforcement. The goal is to transform policing from a reactive to a proactive. "The concept behind predictive policing is relatively straightforward: Feed reams of data into a database and ferret out patterns that would not be apparent to the human eye or brain” (Samuel Greengard, 2012). Predictive policing has been implemented in several states and have yielded positive results. According to an experiment in “Memphis, Tennessee officials say the system has reduced serious crime by 15% over a four-year span and one conducted in Santa Cruz, California Police Department recorded a 15% decrease in burglary and property theft crimes year-over-year” (Pearsall, …show more content…
Every department defines its own meaning of what community oriented policing is and implement it in the way they see fit. Yes, it does have three core components that all departments focus on “Community partnership, problem solving, and organizational transformation, but how they are implemented is decided by the department (Development Services Group, Inc, 2010). The research I did find from different studies that were conducted did not all yield the same results. There were both positive outcomes and outcomes that showed no change. I did not find any evidence that it reduced the crime rate in the areas that the police officers were present. But there was some evidence that the presence of police officers did reduce the fear of crime in that area. There was also some evidence that community oriented policing does improve police and citizen relationships. There is also no guarantee that predictive policing will yield permanent