Prejudice Argumentative Analysis

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Prejudice is negative thoughts towards a social group member or members that someone belongs to. In 2005 Christian S. Crandall and Ruth H. Warner in their article ‘How a Prejudice is Recognized‘ defines prejudice in modern day. They state, “...rational thought, reasonableness, and deviation from some normative values form the notion prejudice.” In the article Crandall and Warner rely on Gordon Allport’s, ‘The Nature of Prejudice’ to come up with their research. They look at the must haves to be prejudice. Allport believed that prejudice must be an unalterable, inaccurate, and overgeneralized belief about a group of people that is linked with negative affect. Crandall and Warner suggest that prejudice is, “a negative evaluation of a social group or a negative evaluation of an individual that is significantly based on the individual group membership.” Crandall and Warner’s article is so important because it touches on which prejudices are seen as valid when there are so many in our society. Prejudice typically occurs and is strongest against the out group. Common out groups are Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, and Muslims. So where does prejudice come from? Prejudicial thoughts come from observations and stereotypes people pick up from our environment and the media. For example, Arlene comes from a Christian family and community, and she has never met a Muslim person in her life. The only things that she knows about Muslim people are from what she sees on television and in particular the news. She meets Ana, a Muslim woman, when she is transferred to her school. Arlene automatically thinks Ana is a terrorist and oppressed by men in he community just because she is a Muslim women. This comes from the stereotype that people who practice Islam are terrorist and that Muslim women are treated badly by men and thought to be lesser than them. Some of these stereotypes may be true for some people in the Muslim community, but for many people these stereotypes are false. Therefore, people should not generalize an entire group by the actions of a few. Discrimination is negative actions and behaviors towards a social group member or members. Using the example in the previous paragraph discrimination would be if Arlene teased and/or bullied Ana for being Muslim. In the United States discrimination is only seen by law in certain categories: age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, and sexual orientation. Many states have have anti discrimination laws that follow after the federal legislation or court decisions. One of the most popular and well known anti discrimination laws is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In this law on the federal level discriminating in the work place is unlawful. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission abbreviated EEOC prevents discrimination in the workplace. …show more content…
According to their website they enforce laws that makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against a employee or job applicant based on their sex (including sexual orientation, pregnancy, and gender identity), race, religion, color, ethnicity, disability, genetic information, and age ( forty and over). If a person filed a discrimination charge, stated a grievance about discrimination, or was apart of an employee discrimination lawsuit or investigation, it is also illegal to discriminate against them. Majority of companies with 15 or more employees are shielded by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. This number may vary however depending on the category of discrimination. For example, if an age case is taking place the company has to have at least 20 members in order for a complaint to be made. The EEOC laws apply to any situation at a work place like wages, promotions, hiring, benefits, harassment, training, and firing. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission tries to prevent discrimination in the workplace before it can take place …show more content…
She wrote an essay calling prejudicial treatment based on skin color ‘colorism.’ It was also brought to light through her infamous novel ‘The Color Purple.’ The novel, which was later made into an award winning movie, put a spotlight on colorism in the African American community specifically among black women. In the novel Celie, a dark skin black women, who is deemed ugly by the men in her life is pushed to the side and constantly dehumanized. While her lover Shug Avery, a light skin black women, receives a lot of attention from men and is deemed beautiful by the people around

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