Diving deeper into these novels, the similiaries start stacking up greatly such as the thematic ideas. In Anthem, the main character ,Equality 7-2521, lives in a society where everything is controlled by a council of vocations and the concept "indivisuality" is non existent however, Equality 7-2521 does not follow under these rules and guidelines, after hiding in a tunnel he found, he spends his time in solitude -despite knowing this violates all the laws of his society- writing and even discovers electricity. "Each night, for three hours, we are under the earth, alone... And yet there is no shame in us and no regret"[Anthem]…
“Raymond’s Run” Literacy Analysis Toni Cade Bambara’s “Raymond’s Run” tells a story about a girl nicknamed squeaky who trains for for a 50 yard dash until another competitor, Gretchen shows up and starts making fun of Squeaky’s brother, Raymond. Once Squeaky takes control of the situation, she continues to practice. Finally, when the race comes, Squeaky lines up on the start line while Raymond is just outside of fence by Squeaky. They begin the race, Squeaky wins and she realizes that Raymond can be a great runner. As a result, Squeaky changes from hard working by practicing and taking care of Raymond, to later becoming caring by thinking of Raymond’s feelings after the mayday race.…
This gave a transformation overall with his name change. When he was still a Bengali, he can only date Bengali women but now it became possible to date American women. Gogol’s decision of becoming American also prevented him from coming home frequently. He then met a girl named Maxine at a party—an outgoing person that he felt himself comfortable with and as well as accepted by her…
Maxine simply concludes that Gogol cannot stay with his mother forever in an attempt to separate them. In doing so, Gogol is left confused as to what his true role is, whether he is the man of his family or Maxine’s boyfriend. As a result, Gogol is unsure what his true identity really is. In addition, the lack of communication between Gogol and his father Ashok leaves him confused about his true identity. Throughout the majority part of this story, Gogol does not know the reason behind his namesake.…
When Gogol changes his name to Nikhil, he is overwhelmed by all that he has to do to remove the name “Gogol” from his new life in New Haven. It takes a little while for the impact of changing his name to set in but “at times he still feels his old name, painfully and without warning, the way his front tooth had unbearably throbbed in recent weeks after having a filling, threatening for an instant to server from his gums when he drank coffee, or iced water, and once when he was riding in an elevator” (Lahiri, 105). The preeminent guilt comes burgeoning into Gogol’s life when he learns that his name comes from a book that his father was rescued because of in a life altering train accident. “And suddenly the sound of his pet name, uttered by his father as he has been accustomed to hearing it all his life, means something completely new, bound up with a catastrophe he has unwittingly embodied for years” (Lahiri, 124).…
The astonishing story of Louis Zamperini's life is revealed in the novel unbroken in 2010 by Laura Hillenbrand. The story circumducts around Louis (Louie) Zamperini who is kept company by Russell Allen Phillips (Phil) and Francis McNamara (Mac) and the prisoners of war (POW). The novel is brought to life in the film "Unbroken" which came out in 2014, directed by Angelina Jolie, Louis Zamperini being played by Jack O'Connell, Russell Allen Phillips being played by Domhnall Gleeson and Francis McNamara being played by Finn Wittrock. The obstacles Louie, Phil, and Mac face while stranded in the Pacific Ocean are portrayed in both mediums, however, the novel gives one an astounding amount of detail in which the movie fails. The lack of details…
Black people were born as slaves, worked their entire lives as slaves, were beaten as slaves, and eventually died as slaves. Black persons in the eighteen hundreds were considered property. Tom Weylin is a white plantation and slave owner, who has a son named Rufus in Maryland off the coast of Baltimore. Dana Franklin, a black women in the present time, 1976, lives in California with her white husband. History ran its course in a way that Rufus and Dana were related, and their connecting depended on each other.…
In Thomas Foster’s, How to Read Literature Like a Professor he explains five useful points that help to recognize and understand literature. The first chapter covers the topic of quest. In order for literature to be a quest there is 5 points to consider. 1. A quester 2.…
Many children at the age of twelve do not encounter the horrors of war. For Ishmael Beah, a former child soldier, the horrors of war became a reality at this young age. In his memoir A Long Way Gone: Memoirs Of A Boy Soldier, Ishmael does everything he can to escape the sadness of old experiences that bloodshed has brought to him. The memories of violence and loss that plague Ishmael's mind burden him with pain throughout his journey. Ishmael has very few ways he can cope with memories and exposure of warfare.…
The quest that happens in every story relates to American Literature in a significant way. The quest is not just the character going somewhere, the quest is way more beyond that. In How to Read Literature like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster tells us that a quest consists of five things: 1) a quester, 2) a place to go, 3) a stated reason to go, 4) challenges and trials, 5) a real reason to go. It may seem like a normal story but beyond the lines and words there is some more powerful to the written piece. Foster states “The real reason for a quest never involves the stated reason.”…
“Like a kiss or caress in a Hindi movie, a husband's name is something intimate and therefore unspoken, cleverly patched over (1.2).” This example shows how varied the two cultures are and how different people can be from one another. As most of Gogol’s relationships, him and Maxine broke up and never spoke again. A while after Ashima somewhat forced Gogol to contact a childhood friend of his who just so happens to be of the same background as well. When Gogol contacted Moushumi Mazoomdar, he arranged to meet her at a local coffee shop for a sit down.…
They both have immigrated to the United States from India, and have a pet name and a preferred nick name. Gogol’s father, Ashoke, attempted to persuade Gogol into adopting “Nikhil” as his good name. Initially, Gogol rejected the idea, for “Gogol” was the only thing he was familiar with. As a child, he goes on a field trip to the cemetery for his school and realizes no one…
Various forms of existentialist themes are found in all kinds of media. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, The stranger, by Albert Camus, and the movie Hunger by Steve McQueen, all share striking similarities as well as drastic separations from the viewpoint of an existentialist. This is primarily with the theme of how all the protagonists turn to death as their final solution, but also how some got alienated, and why. Lastly, some authors break free of the beaten path and try new things with the existence precedes essence theme; or does it?…
His parents are still trying to balance their Indian lifestyle with the American world around them, normally resulting in differences between what they do and what he wants. Gogol begins to feel like his name is not his own, that it just belongs to the author and not, wishing instead for a name that he could tie to his identity. For his mother, his name symbolizes another Indian tradition she had to give up in her move to adjust to american life. For his younger sister, his name does strike curiosity, as hers is a pet name but also has Indian roots at least. Jumping forward, Gogol decides to change his name to Nikhil- not wanting to be stuck with a pet name that means nothing.…
Gogol was not given an Indian name from his Indian family or an American name as he was born in America, to emphasize an individual trying to assimilate into a different culture, but in the end, he is still bonded to his roots as the person he ethnically is. Gogol does not accept his name until his father 's death. "He knows now the guilt that his parents carried inside (Lahiri 179)" and he feels ashamed for what he has done. “Without people in the world to call him Gogol, Gogol Ganguli will vanish from the lips of loved ones (Lahiri 289).” By the end of the novel, the idea that there might be a time where no family members will be around to call him by his pet name saddens him.…