According to Social Times the average person spends over six hours online, and 28% of that six hours is spent on a form of social media. Farmers would be crazy to not take advantage of this situation! Educating consumers, clearing up misinterpretations about food, and developing personal consumer, rancher relationships. By farmers educating their customers about products the buyer can ensure that they know exactly where their food is coming from, and if it’s healthy. Media is to blame for a lot of misinformation in this world; they make things look better, or worse than they actually are, so by farmers directly informing their costumers the information is true with no misunderstandings. It’s important for every businessman to have a relationship with his or her customers because the more personal someone is the more they will sell! Let’s be honest. There are few extreme agriculturists who know all the ins and outs of the business (2% to be exact). For the rest of us we would like to think we are well informed about where our food comes from, where its raised, and what it’s raised on, but for the most part we just eat. Farmers are some of the hardest workers all over the world, and a lot of the time the work they do is taken for granted. One-way farmers use social media is to advertise just how a typical workday is like. From all aspects including updates on crops, pictures of livestock, and possibly disturbing details about what was found dead in the morning. That’s the beauty behind farming being …show more content…
Theses simple little misunderstandings are some of the things farmers clear up everyday over social media. It’s one thing to hear a newscaster tell everyone the pressing matters arising in agriculture, but its something much more respectable to hear those pressing matters straight from the horses mouth. As consumers we will know that that the information that farmers feed us is the truth. Social media will clear the confusion when it comes to growing, raising, and processing food. Each area of business needs a different form of social media because someone can’t be everywhere at once. Having an account on every social media page is almost impossible. Therefore finding what social media farmer’s consumers are spending time on plays a big role in how proactive those farmers are