As a result of this, she added that if people who are living with dementia are not supported in the right way, this can lead to another things such as: confusion and distress Sutcliffe, A (2015). Based on George McNamara research, he said that there is a huge challenge ahead in order to make sure that workforces are provided with correct skills in order to help support older people with dementia McNamara, G (2015). However, inadequate resources are another factor that is having an impact on the quality of care provided for the older people with…
Understanding Dementia In this booklet I will be giving a description on six different types of dementia that affect people in the UK and their most common signs and symptoms. I will then outline the possible effects of dementia on an individual’s health and their quality of life. And finally give an assessment of the possible effects of different types of dementia on individuals and their families.…
" New York Times “An excellent book for families who are caring for persons with dementia... A book that physicians can confidently recommend to the families of their…
"Caregiver Perceptions Regarding the Measurement of Level and Quality of Care in Alzheimer's Disease." BMC Nursing, vol. 14, no. 54, 2015, pp. 214-22. MEDLINE. Accessed 15 July 2017. This journal article from a group of researchers explored how caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease (AD) affects the lives of private, in-home caregivers, what they struggle with as a group and what physicians feel is needed to assist caregivers.…
They found 19 key areas of care required to assist residents, many of these key areas branched out to further areas that management, staff and families could use for quality of care for dementia residents. The papers used were from American and Canada only. This was one of the more in depth studies on the areas of quality clinical care given in dementia…
Younger People with Dementia : Planning, Practice, and Development. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2013. EBSCOhost, Accessed 5 Nov. 2017.…
There is a mother out there who does not recognize her own children. She does not even realize that she has grandchildren, possibly even great-grandchildren. She has forgotten that her husband has passed away. She spends her days wandering around aimlessly. She knows she has somewhere she needs to be, though she is unsure of where that is.…
The first author for this source is Francisco I. Sagado-Garcia. Sagado is part of the university of memphis. His area of study is clinical psychology. The second author is Jeffrey K Zuber. Zuber studies at the university of tennessee health science center.…
In a review of the sociodemographic of the caregivers, it was found that the overwhelming majority of caregivers are females that live with their Alzheimer’s affected family member and 87% reside together in the familial home and provided an average of 11 hours of care per day (Raggi, Tasca, Panerai, Neri, & Ferri, 2015). The number of male caregivers has steadily risen since the 1970’s as women have entered the workforce and their income has become important to help support the family (Greene & Hunt, 2017). Female family members often view providing care as a familial role and because of this, they delay or do not seek formalized support until their burden has progressed to a point at which they cannot function properly as the primary caregiver…
Providing the Perfect Balance Between Independence and Support with Dementia Care By Charlie Ricker Aug 15, 2012 Dementia is one of the cruelest blows dealt by nature, something that anyone who has ever seen a loved one suffer though it can surely testify to. Dementia is a crushingly progressive disease that can be brought on by a multitude of factors including injury or illness; it can also (in very rare cases) be hereditary. Dementia is a disease that effects about 1% of the population (the majority of which are over the age of 64) of the UK and as such dementia care is an increasingly important sector of the medical industry.…
Homecare: Alzheimer's Care and Dementia Care Dementia is a progressive cognitive impairment. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in seniors (75 percent of cases), but it is not the only kind. Other forms of dementia include vascular dementia, which often follows a stroke; frontotemporal lobar degeneration and corticobasal degeneration, in which areas of the brain start to shrink; and Parkinson's disease dementia. While the causation and prognosis of each dementia type vary, one thing is certain: if your senior loved one has any form of dementia, they are going to require care and support. While caring for a person with dementia is often a true labor of love for family and friends, it also quickly becomes overwhelming.…
Dementia is defined as the acquired decline in the memory and thinking ability due to the brain disease that results in significant impairment of personal, social and occupational function(Understanding Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias, 2011). Alzheimer’s is one of the most common type of dementia which include 50 to 75 percentage of all cases. The disease was first discovered by Dr Alois Alzheimer in 1907 with the patient in her middle aged. He found two major abnormalities in her brain which defines the disease – Senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the cortex of brain. In Australia, there are more than 342,800 people suffering from dementia and around 1.2 million people are involved in care of dementia.…
The term dementia is commonly used to describe a broad spectrum of neurodegenerative disorders associate with progressive cognitive decline (12). The common symptoms of dementia are “memory loss, mood change, impaired reasoning”, which eventually lead to impairment in regular daily activities (12).…
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the biggest global public health challenges facing our generation. Due to the absence of accurate statistics in Saudi Arabia, the doctors are afraid that the number of infected people is already a large number, and may exceed the world average. Especially that one of the causes of this disease increase by the increasing of elderly people and high rates of ages from 50 to 70 years, in addition to the lack of awareness about the disease, and the reluctance of many families to disclose their patients, And discreetly many to some diseases that affect relatives of the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s.…
For this project, I would like to discuss Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia and is a great risk factor in increasing age (alzheimer’s association, n.d.). There is a lot of research being done on this disease and ways to treat it, but there is no current cure that has been found. I decided to research this disease because it is such a frequent disease and I feel like I should get to know more about it. Also, because a cure has not been found for it I think it will be interesting to learn about the many ways it is being studied and researched.…