Civil and Political rights were violated when the Druk Buddhist majority wanted to “unite Bhutan under the Druk culture, religion and language” (Koerin and Hutchison, 2013). The Nepalis were resistant to this change because they had already established a separate culture and language. They had already established a type of religious diversity in their community as well. Most of the Nepalis were Hindu while the druks practiced Buddhism. These changes lead to the violation of economic, social and cultural rights. As these changes were being influenced, “suddenly Nepalis were denied citizenship, weren’t allowed to speak their language and could no longer get jobs.”(Koerin and Hutchison, 2013). All humans have the right to ” meaningful and gainful employment, rest and leisure, healthcare, food, housing, education, participation in cultural life, special care for motherhood and children” (Koerin and Hutchison, 2013) People in the Nepali community began to “raise their voices and question what was happening” (Koerin and Hutchison, 2013). This scared the Bhutanese government causing them to send soldiers into the community to intimidate the villagers and try to calm the Nepali …show more content…
Manisha and I are obviously alike in the biological person dimension, as is every human being, but I feel like we are similar in the spiritual dimension. We both have a religion that is very important to us, a god we worship, and guidelines to follow for our religion. “ Her Hindu Faith continues to be a source of comfort for her as she strives to maintain hope for the future” (Hutchison, 2013, pg. 7). We both use our religion to refer to for dignity and purpose. We differ in this aspect because although we both have a religion important to us, she is Hindu and I am Christian. Therefore there are differing gods and guidelines. We also both abide by ethical guidelines and know what is right vs. wrong, but the ethical situations we have faced in life have been different changing our outlooks. We also have an interconnectedness of living in America and the pride of being free, but we still have different cultures. This has not always been true though, since she lived in Bhutan and other foreign countries until 2009. So things in our life and environment have typically been very different. NAME EXAMPLESSSSS of her life in BHUTAN. The environmental dimensions that separate Manisha and are vast but perhaps one of biggest dimensions is social institutions. In this case study the government controlled and intimidated the Nepali people to the