People around the world are getting treated unfairly for their race, ethnicity, gender, and religion and this needs to be stopped. Human rights are entitled to all living people on the earth no matter who they are. Some people invade others rights by discriminating them. People discriminate others because they feel they have more power over them or feel that they had been born superior over others. While some people are treating others unfairly many group sand governments across the globe are trying to restore human rights to everyone.
Throughout history there have been many incidents when the rights of humans have been violated. For example, for hundreds of years during the Transatlantic Slave trade millions of Africans were enslaved and sold to owners.These slaves’ rights were taken away from them and they could not control what happened to them.Another incident was in the early 1940s during WWII when hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed because of their religion. One of the more recent case of discrimination against a certain group of people was in the 1950s and 60s. The discrimination was aimed at African-Americans. They did not have all of the rights as whites. This type of discrimination was a global problem then as much as it is now. Today in many places around the word human rights are being violated. One way rights are being violated is through human trafficking. People that feel superior over others will take control over people and making them work by threatening them. By targeting someone who is vulnerable they are able to gain profit at the expense of others. People who are victims of human trafficking may work in or at farms for little or no pay. Human trafficking is almost the equivalent of slavery. This affects the whole world because it this happens all over the world. If problems involving human rights aren’t solved soon there will be even more problems in the future. The way things are going right now shows a bright side to problems involving human rights many more laws and organizations are being formed and working together to reach the common goal of equal rights. Although most countries are coming closer to agreements some countries are going further away from a consensus. If these problems aren’t solved now there will be problems on a larger scale in the future. I think that the future of equal rights are going to be better than it is now. There are many things currently being done to preserve human rights. …show more content…
One of these is the Universal declaration of Human Rights. According to the entry Human Rights, Universal Declaration of in The World Book encyclopedia “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets forth basic, political economic, social, and cultural rights and freedoms. It emphasizes equality and nondiscrimination.” This declaration came to be in 1948 and was supported by many world leaders. This declaration is still active today and is helping preserve human rights. Another thing going on to help preserve human rights is the United Nations organization. Many countries have joined the United Nations and are working to get human rights for everyone. One way I think we can solve human rights violations and problems is to get everyone to work together. Although the United nations