Personal ethical egoism is the belief that only I should act from the motive of self-interest, nothing is stated about what motives others should act from. Personal ethical egoism is not a theory because it is not generalized to others. I cannot recommend personal ethical egoism to others because such a recommendation would be against my own self-interest. Furthermore the social theory claims that in order to escape the state of nature people must agree to set rules to be governed by, and submit to an authority that would enforce such rules. This agreement assumes that every citizen agrees to the set of rules, and that citizens are better off in a society rather than a state of nature. The criterion of moral rules under the social theory is whether they are necessary for social living. For habitations against murder seem necessary, while other rules such as for hesitation against private sexual conduct might not be necessary. Those who support the ferry claim it is reasonable to accept such rules because social conditions are created we’re by self-interest and Utility can be
Personal ethical egoism is the belief that only I should act from the motive of self-interest, nothing is stated about what motives others should act from. Personal ethical egoism is not a theory because it is not generalized to others. I cannot recommend personal ethical egoism to others because such a recommendation would be against my own self-interest. Furthermore the social theory claims that in order to escape the state of nature people must agree to set rules to be governed by, and submit to an authority that would enforce such rules. This agreement assumes that every citizen agrees to the set of rules, and that citizens are better off in a society rather than a state of nature. The criterion of moral rules under the social theory is whether they are necessary for social living. For habitations against murder seem necessary, while other rules such as for hesitation against private sexual conduct might not be necessary. Those who support the ferry claim it is reasonable to accept such rules because social conditions are created we’re by self-interest and Utility can be