Sphinx represents a very famous monument in Egypt that is believed to be the monument to the Egyptian Pharaoh Khafra. This monument was a lion, as people referred to as a God. They placed the Pharaohs head on top of a lion's body to represent that Khafra’s nature was purely divine. Besides the popular legend told to many, there's actually no hidden chambers beneath the Great Sphinx (“What Does the Sphinx Represent”). Like most monuments in Egypt, this is not a burial tomb, it's more like a symbolic guard of Khafra’s pyramid. Around this time, lions had roamed nearby areas in Egypt. These lions represented power and kingship and were associated with Ra, The Sun God and Aker the God …show more content…
``What is it that has one voice yet becomes four footed and two footed and three footed?” The answer was “man, who crawls on all fours, walks on two feet when grown, and leans on a staff in old age” She sat on a nearby rock and whoever passed by she would tell the riddle to. Each time the riddle was answered incorrectly, Sphinx devoured a man. The Sphinx then killed herself. In some stories, they say that Ares or Hera sent The Sphinx to Thebes where she asked many people for this riddle, if they answered in correctly, she would devour them (Sphinx, Riddle of the Sphinx, Cultural Depictions, Mythology, Metaphysics).Sphinx had two parents, Echinda, a half woman-half snake monster and Orthus, a two headed dog. Sphinx also had siblings, Hydra of Lerna and Cerberus (Roman 445). The Greek Sphinx was a demon of death and destruction and bad luck.