The Five Stages Of Depression In Drums Girls And Dangerous Pie

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Imagine that you think that your whole life was horrible and that you had the worst life, and then you find out your little brother is very sick and no one is supporting you through the whole thing. In the book Drums Girls & Dangerous Pie Steven the main character goes through the 5 stages of grief. He goes through the 5 stage of grief because his little brother Jeffrey gets sick. During these five stages of grief, Steven goes through, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, & Acceptance. He also goes through other bumps in the road, but he figures out eventually how to deal with all the stuff that's going on around him.

One example of The five stages of grief is Denial. An example would be When Steven thinks that the doctors are wrong, and
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This shows that Steven is starting to give up because he is losing hope and getting depressed. He feels this way because he has no hope. Another example would be when Steven says “ Should I call and face the problem or not call and enjoy a few hours of lonely, nerve-wracking boredom, instead of my usual lonely, depressing boredom”(Sonnenblick 166). This shows that Steven is so depressed and is actually thinking about what kind of depressing day he is going to have. He feels this way because he feels that if he thinks about having better thoughts he will have a better …show more content…
This Shows that Steven is starting to get over the five stages of grief and he sees now that his family needs him now more than ever.He feels this way because the five stages are starting to end. Another example would be where Steven accepts the fact that Jeffrey shouldn’t go through cancer alone, so he shaves his head to be bald with Jeffrey(Sonnenblick 202-203) This shows that Steven is willing to do anything for Jeffrey and if he accepts that his brother is sad or mad about something he will do anything for him. He feels this way because he now knows that family is more important than anything else.

In the five stages of grief that Steven goes through his family goes through it with him. The five stages of grief, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, & Acceptance, all get related to Steven in some way throughout different parts of the story. These were just some examples of the five stages of grief that Steven went

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