In 2016 the NODAPL surfaced due to an industry wanting to build a pipeline that if erupted could cause millions of gallons of water to be contaminated and non-drinkable. In Standing Rock, ND, thousands of Native Americans stand side by side in order to try and keep the pipeline from being built. They have not once instigated any type of violence towards the police or the armed forces. Their main goal is to protect their burying grounds and the keep the water safe. Each of these events start out peaceful, until you get the police involved then all of a sudden you get violence. with fighting for what is right and what you believe in it takes a lot more than hold hands and standing by one another it takes to ability to never back down. Some may even fight fire with fire which can cause more controversy. In America you are told you are free since you were able to walk. You are told to stand up for what you believe in and do what is right. However, once the day comes that requires change or help to make that change everyone seems to disappear. Thus having those who want the change to fight and fight till they become the bad guys for only doing what they thought was …show more content…
The peaceful protests that have been portrayed over the past century have had a more negative effect due to the violence the police and everyone opposed the protest. The idea that our nation is so against everyone that when we scream the issue no one hears but when we are attacked suddenly everyone wants to help but the only way to help is to be strong against the issues. To be peaceful and demand the change we so desperately need in order to get through our let downs as a country. There is a sense of fear that has been drilled in our nations mind. Moving forward past the horrors, past the destruction, past the violence, the attacks, the deaths, move past it all and you have a country so big yet frail. The way that people deal with a situation depicts how the outcome turns out being that we have taken situations and twisted and turned them inside out and pushed people down on our way up to success and diminished the idea of peace and hope. The peace is not the way anymore. However, neither is the violence. Voice is the change. Unity is the change. But if every time we stand hand in hand fighting for peace we get attacked then ask yourself what is the