The Destruction Of Culture Analysis

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The essay “the Destruction of Culture” by Chris Hedges proved to be a cue for my ignorance. The stories of our countries past world endeavors was exposed for it’s likely existence: fiction. I always thought that everything we were taught was one hundred percent truth, set-in-stone. Why would we ever be taught something inaccurate? Education is education, I said. There’s no point in teaching false facts. But if the Muslims are taught that the Serbs attacked their country while the Serbs are taught that the Muslims attacked them, how can we expect the facts in history to be anything besides the bewilderment of perception? From the moment a baby is born into their nation, their lungs are filled with corruption and their mind taught a twisted …show more content…
Martin Luther King” and “Letters from Birmingham City Jail- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr” both help signify the levels of corruption and complexity that occurred during King’s demonstrations. Just by reading both of the letters back to back I could feel corruption seeping through the tensed words. It’s evident that King wanted prejudice to end not only in Atlanta, but all around the world- and in a way he succeeded. However, if anyone says racial inequality has ended, they’re either too busy worrying about their own arrogant self, or lying to you. Just like history always does, it is repeating itself. In all technicality, black people now have the same legal rights as white people, but just because it’s official by the legislative branch doesn’t mean that people all over America are jumping up and down at the end of racial injustice- they’re either still finding ways to be corrupt, or trying to find the ones being corrupt. America is somehow said to be a “country of equality”- unfortunately the sweetest of words always have the bitterest taste. Racial prejudice surely has gone down since King’s demonstrations, but it still exists as one of the country’s biggest problems, and it keeps growing and growing into what it use to

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