Arthur Miller
Miller was an American playwright who was unconventional and who had who criticised the problems in society which was a huge factor in defining his style of genre. He was born in Harlem, New York in 1915. He attended the University of Michigan before moving back to the East to produce stage production. He was once married to Marilyn Monroe, making the public notice him more. Overall he was married three times after. He came from a moderately wealthy background until his family lost almost everything in the Wall Street crash in 1929. In Miller’s last few years alive, he grappled with society and personal matters alike. His last recorded play “The Price” was centred on family dynamics. In 2005, on February the 10th, Arthur …show more content…
The play was written very traditionally, Miller makes use of Simple, old-fashioned style of writing. His characters make use of many similes and metaphors, as well as narrative. Miller uses a specific narrative technique within the play. Miller left the play up for interpretation, and various acting styles were used when acting it out. The acting style is specific to the directors, and Miller only advises his narrative technique to be used, costume and props are all specific to the time of the …show more content…
My character, Mary Warren, is relating with her employer and his wife, Mr and Mrs Proctor. She is telling the story of her experience with this witch; she remembers the specifics as she goes along. I will make use of many pauses, to emphasize the severity of the accusations and specifics in my monologue, also to show my character’s train of thought throughout the monologue. My movement will all be done to further emphasize the story being told, and the seriousness of it, at some point I almost strangle myself as I relive the events led by the witch and her “mumbles”. I make use of many transitions, in particularly as I reach the climax of my monologue. I transition as my train of thought changes, and transition back and forth as I tell the story; I even transition as my character mimics other characters, like the