At Risk Youth

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One of the questions that has been asked countless times is why most are if not all extracurricular activities at our middle and high schools are being taken away. After school programs have been very strategic in helping young people find their talent, career choices and so much more (Durlak, 2007). Football, basketball, band and dance are just a few of the activities that kids have to choose from when it comes to participating in their school activities. According to the San Diego Police department and also a few other Police departments, they have reported that the number of kids that participate in extracurricular activities are less likely to commit a crime (Afterschool Alliance, 2007). Most if not all kids that have been reported
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The term “at risk youth” may also be used for youth that live in harsh neighborhoods and have experienced situations that are beyond their control. At risk does not mean they are a risk but simply means they are headed down a path that will lead to crime and delinquent acts. Peer pressure has become a huge issue for a lot of young kids growing up. Most of these youth are pressured into committing crimes, joining gangs, vandalism and so much …show more content…
After school programs should be fun and engaging. Kids should want to go to an after school program or extra curriculum activities. There shouldn’t be any excuse why we can’t service kids in our communities. The rehabilitation method is something that we can do right in the school system. There can be requirement’s that each kids is in some form of extracurricular activates whether it’s in the school or out.
Significance of study
The significance of this study is to show that there are little to no after school programs geared towards at risk-youth, and also to show that there should be more if any after school programs should be granted to more of the behaviorally challenged students. The School system and the juvenile justice department should look at how we fund certain programs that are not helping our more delinquent offenders. Kids that have had over 2 dealings with the law should be granted first priority for special after school care. Most of the crimes commuted are doing after school, before school or on the weekends. The number one goal is to keep our young people

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