Another sawmill operator in the region was the Mitchell Lumber Co. set up by Thomas Mitchell in 1898 (later this would become in the 1920s the Mitchell-McDonald Lumber Co.). The mill was located west of the CPR railway, on the now Blackstone-Crane Road, producing railway ties and shims from wood obtained south of their mill, from Second and Third Lakes all the way down to Blackstone and …show more content…
Sept 19) after the mill fire, they issued the following:
Messrs Mitchell and McDonald of Blackstone Lake wish to express their deep appreciation for the able assistance given by residents in the vicinity during their recent fire which destroyed their mill and a large quantity of ties. The prompt response of the Parry Sound fire brigade resulted in the saving of a considerable quantity of ties and the company desires to express their thanks to the brigade for their good work.
Thomas Jr 's respect in the community increased and was elected to the Foley Council and board of Health for 1930. He became the census enumerator for Foley in 1931. When the depression deepened Thomas was commissioned to investigate into and contract the supplies for families receiving relief from hunger. With Thomas the council ordered to cut relief from any family that entertain friends or lived in others houses.
Thomas was a hunter like most men in Foley (killing 2 deer and shot at a bear with friend in 1930) and a dutiful son, leaving for his home town of Berkley to see his mother who was terminally ill in