The Importance Of The Children Act 2004

Superior Essays
The Children’s Act (1989) (2004)
The children’s act 1989 was amended in 2004. The children’s act has placed organisations to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of children and young people. The children and young people are being protected because they are unable to protect themselves from harm and danger. The act is designed to guide principles that are in mind for the care and support of children. It allows children to:
- Be Healthy
- Remain safe in their environments
- Enjoy life
- Assist in their quest to succeed
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic stability for the future
The children’s act 2004 now provides a legal underpinning to ‘every child matters’. After the death of Victoria Climbie a formal response was made
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Confidentiality protects personal information of an individual. It is very important that a service users or an individual’s personal information is not told to other people, it should stay between that individual and you. If it is serious matter where that individual can be in danger then you have to tell your manager but you cannot promise an individual that you will not tell anyone else. Discussing others information with your friends, family or co-workers can be very dangerous and you are breaking confidentiality. If you do this you can lose your job and you can be taken to court. You should maintain confidentiality by keeping individuals files locked and away in a secure place, not tell anyone else what they tell you without their permission, don’t tell people who don’t need to know, don’t discuss their medical details with anyone without their approval and if they do not want to tell their family members about any problems or a condition do not tell them as they want that to be confidential. Other information such as: name, date of birth, age, sex, address, family details, bank details, medical history, personal care issues, individual care plans, ethnic or racial origin, religious beliefs and health or sexual lifestyle should also be confidential. This is because these are their own opinions and they should not be discriminated. It also their choice if they wish to discuss this information with anyone. They may find it uncomfortable discussing this with someone else so their opinion should be taken into consideration and followed. Confidentiality promotes anti discriminatory practice by keeping everyone’s information confidential regardless of their religion, disability beliefs etc. all the above also promote anti discriminatory practice because you are providing the individual with equal rights and

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