The fact that two Quaker women, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott had the courage to stand up and start a movement by holding the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 for the right to vote and equal rights for not only slaves but for Women 's rights, marking the beginning of something even bigger then they realized and their declaration of sentiments was a useful tool in encouraging others to vote. Susan B. Anthony and other activists such as Alice Paul would also be a part of this era. The women 's right 's movement educated and held protests in hopes of creating public awareness for the equality and liberation. Suffrage was also very helpful in educating factory workers about their rights and how to fight for them. These were essential elements of the Progressive era. In 1920 the 19th Amendment was ratified granting American women the right to vote. Forever changing and igniting idea of the American …show more content…
Fascinating how most immigrant families were found in clustered close-knit groups throughout the cities, sharing neighborhoods and cultures. The drive for the immigration into this country was for the freedom they would have in America.
With the influx of mass consumption also arrived the need for entertainment. Vaudeville acts became a leisure activity and then followed nickelodeons, which were motion pictures.
The working woman was now a part of the derivative of the consumer society and the working class which included immigrants. Discrimination and exclusions still persist today, however, we have made great steps forward and continue to learn and grow and educate ourselves through history, which can only help us not repeat the past patterns and to encourage us to forge ahead to a better more equal future for all human