The Rain By Raymond Carver Analysis

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When Raymond Carver wrote the story, who would’ve known it would still be as relatable now. The way we view things is nearly the same and it is not hard to know and analyze the problems we read in the story. When we read the story, we get a different setting when people meet up for small talk and drinks. The author introduces to the reader the four characters. They are Mel McGinnis, a cardiologist, Terri, who is his wife, the author, but with the name Nick and his lady friend, Laura. The story starts with Terri and her ex-husband Ed, who tried to kill her. Nobody knows why the situation is taking place. It may be the display of love to a woman or something weird and unusual. Some things happened to Ed when he was a child. These problems …show more content…
Not only does he give sarcasm and smart remarks to the other characters, but to his wife as well. Different from the relationship between Mel and Terri, the author introduces another couple, Nick and Laura. They seem happy and have an understanding on what love is. As Terri says, “they are still gaga, and it is no wonder because they have been together a year and a half. It passed not so much time to get tired with each other.” Nick says that Laura is “easy to be with”. While Mel and Terri were fighting for love at the first sighting, they were interested in each other and it seemed to be real love. Now, that Ed is dead, their feelings are no longer …show more content…
The weather seems tell more about the mood of the story. In the first paragraph the author gives only one, description about the weather. He says, “Sunlight filled the kitchen from the big window behind the sink”. It seems that the chat is going to be relaxing and calm. Four people get together to have a good time and a nice talk. Even though they argue with each other about the subject of love, they eventually drink to the meaning of true love. The weather then repeats the mood, “The leaves of the aspen that leaned past the window ticked against the glass. The afternoon sun was like a presence in this room”. Nobody has doubts about the question pertaining to love. But after some time in their conversation, when Mel was telling his story, the sunlight changes, when the characters changed themselves on the

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