Question 5and 3: What do you think is the central point of this story? How might paragraph 5 be described as an example of foreshadowing? The main purpose of this story is to basically tell how the little girl Myop wondered off and saw her too far away from home. When she realize she was too far she began to walk back towards her house then she steps on a dead man face on a mistake. She later then realize that the man got hung by the tree she was around because his head was in one spot while his body was in another. The plow line that was in the soil was what made me think the man was hung. In paragraph 5 would be described as foreshadowing because the author gave a sign of what was coming next in the story. The way …show more content…
Also there were animals involved like chickens and pigs when she was outside. Myop goals in this short story were to go out and feel the air while being a child walking and playing with the animals. Myop was outside on a farm when she talked about the pigs rooting and when she struck out at the chickens. It is like a regular summer day they was Myop explains how beautiful it was outside. She says “the air held a keenness that made her noise twitch” (page 82) this means the air was nice. Also the story say she felt light and good in the warm sun this explains why I say it is summer because the way she explains how it feels outside is characters of the spring,. There on the farm where Myop is located at it is peaceful because the authors say she begins to go back to the house to the peacefulness. Also it was dangerous because she walked a mile or more from her home she been that far before but not by herself. Earlier in the short story Myop used a knobby stick to strike at the chickens and also make a beat of a song on the fence by the pigpen. Around Myop are woods and a long fence that she walks alone that takes her a mile away from her home. When Myop circle back around to get back home she discovers something when she steps right on it by …show more content…
I can tell she didn’t realize she stepped on the dead man face because she had to take other looks into different direction and in the end she confirmed it by being surprised. She wanted to know more so she pushed back the leaves and saw more of the body. I believe she did this to see how long the man was there because a few seconds later the author tells about the man clothes had rotted away. Myop reaction to this was being interested in seeing why the man head was there and what else was around to see what caused it. After the main point of the story was revealed Myop started seeing a flower and after she lay her flower down the summer was over. Reading the first part of the story I did not think the story would end with finding a dead man on the ground. My feelings toward the story were surprised because the way the story started off there were no clues of the ending. In paragraph 5 things started to turn around because he authors gave out warning of what was about to happen. I was also surprised at how little Myop reacted to finding a dead body. The way she reacted was not usual for a ten year older a regular ten year older would go crazy but instead she was willing to do others things to find out what was going