Emily Butler Feminist Analysis

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The category of “women” used in a feminist context is rejected by Butler because it creates ground for over generalization, and thus, would misrepresent individuals of that category that leads to the public’s misinterpretation of them in turn. The language and wording used in which to supposedly unify a group of people with similar characteristics turn out to generate resistance and factionalization. The term “women” could hold certain meanings and be understood as something different at face value. As demonstrated in the early 1980s, the usage of “we” to group all women together created a backlash because women of colour did not identify with the term and did not find it suitable to be used to represent them. Since they believed that the term could only relate to white females, they were in …show more content…
For “feminist’ sociology, this would imply the deconstruction of the barriers created by bias connotations. However, it would also mean that feminist sociologists would have to determine who owns the right and agency in redefining “women”. Feminist Sociologists in the future would then be challenged of providing appropriate connotations of “women” to the general female community that everyone could come into a consensus with without any backlashes. Or from another perspective, it could mean that the connotations could be ever changing based on the social climate and what the majority of women could identify with as a whole at a certain point of time. Being a responsible feminist sociologist would then mean constantly analyzing the social climate and using significations of a term in consideration of the voice of a diverse group of women before coming into conclusion on how they should put their language into

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