It all started when the “Union cavalry under Brig. Gen. John Buford slowed the Confederate advance until Union infantry, the Union 1st and 11th Corps, arrived and more Confederate reinforcements under generals A.P. Hill and Richard Ewell reached the scene, however, and 30,000 Confederates ultimately defeated 20,000 Yankees, who fell back through Gettysburg to the hills south of town--Cemetery Hill and Culp 's Hill” (1 Civil War Trust). It was the fishhook shaped hills which and military strategy of General Meade which help decide the outcome of this battle allowing for a strong defense not allowing any Southern troops to progress. Compared to the other battles in the civil war this was over twice the average from any other civil war battle. During the Battle of Gettysburg the Union had a unit strength of approximately 93,921 soldiers and the Confederates had a unit strength of approximately 71,699. These were approximated due to the inaccuracies of documents, records, and troop placement at the time. Any other accounts not recorded were historical approximations based on actual verified documentation. Even so these numbers were exceedingly high for the 1800’s which 15,000 deaths in one day which was three times higher than the number of soldiers lost in the Battle of Normandy in 1944. “Almost as many Soldiers were killed, wounded or declared missing …show more content…
It was also during this time the Union was also struggling with their great loss of 23,000 men but still stood strong with unbroken spirits due to their victory and strong leadership and inspiration from President Lincoln. Coincidently at same time this battle occurred the Confederates also fell at Vicksburg to General Grants forces. These defeats crippled the Confederates economy resources since they were counting on the resources from the prospectively gain land for food and ammunition. Additionally, the major defeat of General Lee at Gettysburg lead to the critization of his war decisions by his fellow Generals placing him in a position to which he looked incompetent. This led General Lee into filing in his resignation to President Jefferson Davis which was declined due to his need in the ongoing battle until the next election which allowed him to continue on to other battles, but with the Major defeat of the battle of Gettysburg under his belt he had never recovered enough to turn the war in back in Confederate