Such a magnificent sculpture should be displayed for spectators to admire but not with a background of uncertainty. Nobody is one hundred percent sure that Apollo is the real statue by Praxiteles or a replica, but there were tests done that both prove and disprove its authenticity. The AAMD’s mission statement explains how art museum directors should embody the highest ethical standards (1). Bennett is displaying a statue that is questionably authentic and illegally possessed. Not only is Bennett disrespecting the codes of art directors, he is also negatively representing the Cleveland Museum of Art. The AIA tells art directors to not purchase or accept art that does not follow the rules of UNESCO created in 1970 (1). UNESCO’s Article Six proves that Bennett’s decision lacks ethics in the art world (3). Although some people would agree with Bennett and say that Apollo should continue standing tall in the Cleveland Museum of Art, the lack of documentation and ethics on Bennett’s part proves it is not rightfully
Such a magnificent sculpture should be displayed for spectators to admire but not with a background of uncertainty. Nobody is one hundred percent sure that Apollo is the real statue by Praxiteles or a replica, but there were tests done that both prove and disprove its authenticity. The AAMD’s mission statement explains how art museum directors should embody the highest ethical standards (1). Bennett is displaying a statue that is questionably authentic and illegally possessed. Not only is Bennett disrespecting the codes of art directors, he is also negatively representing the Cleveland Museum of Art. The AIA tells art directors to not purchase or accept art that does not follow the rules of UNESCO created in 1970 (1). UNESCO’s Article Six proves that Bennett’s decision lacks ethics in the art world (3). Although some people would agree with Bennett and say that Apollo should continue standing tall in the Cleveland Museum of Art, the lack of documentation and ethics on Bennett’s part proves it is not rightfully