These arcane bloodlines of Ana-Lu, which means the Owl Gods, roamed the old forests, and happen to be about 3 ½ to 5 ½ feet tall, though considered short by many, what they lacked in height and strength they utilized in intelligence, agility and stamina.
Like other cultures they enjoyed dancing, singing, and archery, and choice foods were sweet potatoes and fish. Together they became expert farmers who utilized the isolated islands high temperatures, vast array of endemic flora and fauna and many range of environments. Resembling western …show more content…
Statues were carved to represent the image of a certain god and as an embodiment of that specific god's mana, or power.
The Ana-Luic legend continues to be a part of the islands beliefs with their myths and legends. Some swear that evidence from the islands prove that the Ana-Lu tribe are indeed real, however many also believe them as mythical creatures born out of the wild imaginations of people mixed with the different Western mythical creatures.
Most people believe that the Ana-Lu were eventually pushed out of the Islands by other settlers. However, many still think that the Ana-Lu still roam secretly in forests and caves of the Islands. There are actually account of people seeing little people, or little villages, deep on hikes and in the tropical forests.
Ultimately the myth has intrigued people enough to read more about plant and forest uses, as well as proper farming and fishing. Which, brings forth a sense of environmental diversity and reminds us that all positive actions should be rewarded and foolish actions punished accordingly, and that all